TL 8619-8719 (north-west side) 8/91 No. 3 (The Sun Inn)
2.5.53 GV II* Part of a mansion, now an inn. Early C16, altered in late C16 and C20. Timber
framed, plastered, roofed with handmade red plain tiles. 3-bay range facing SE,
roofed in 3 parallel ranges aligned NW-SE, gable ends to street, with internal
stack in middle -bay and serving right bay, external stack to left of left bay
(now enclosed by C20 adjacent building). Single-storey extension to rear,
c.1980. 2 storeys. Ground floor, one C19 3-light casement with horizontal
glazing bars, one splayed bay of C20 casements. First floor, 3 early C19 sashes
of 16 lights with C20 external louvred shutters. 2 plain boarded doors, one
with a single light, both with plain overlights. Full-length jetty with early
C16 fascia carved with folded leaf design, one moulded bracket, and one moulded
and carved bracket at left end. Late C16 projecting gables with hanging
brackets and carved pendants. C19 carved bargeboards. The front elevation is
plastered and painted to represent exposed framing, less decorative than the
original framing. 2 octagonal shafts on main stack, rebuilt in C19. The
original entry was on the line of the present left door (on the left side of the
middle range), now largely occupied by the bar. A doorway with carved and
moulded 4-centred doorhead opens off it into the left room, which has a binding
beam with double-ogee moulding, joists plastered to the soffits, and a large
wood-burning hearth with depressed arch of brick. The right ground-floor room
has a binding beam with similar moulding, but also carved with folded leaf
design, and moulded joists of horizontal section with carved leaf stops; exposed
close studding; large wood-burning hearth, the mantel beam carved with 3
pomegranates, foliage and cable design. The left first-floor room has exposed
close studding with paired curved braces trenched to the inside, a large
wood-burning hearth with chamfered depressed arch retaining the original
plaster, jowled posts, and a chamfered tie beam with lamb's tongue stops. The
right first-floor room has a large wood-burning hearth, the mantel beam carved
with 3 pomegranates and conventional foliage, but different in detail from the
one below; large sill for former oriel window. A rare feature is an original
gallery, extending across the whole rear elevation, the studding exposed
internally below the rail, but closed in and plastered above the rail at some
subsequent date; opening off it into the middle first-floor room is a doorway
with roll moulding. The jowls of the inner posts are aligned NW-SE; the jowls
of the corner posts are aligned NE-SW. The roof has been rebuilt in the late
C16 in 3 parallel ranges, in clasped purlin form with arched wind braces,
projecting slightly to the front, with contemporary external ornament. RCHM 30.
See items 8/92 and 8/93.
Listing NGR: TL8661319280
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