Vernacular dwelling of c.1700 with early C20 vernacular revival modifications.
Reasons for Designation
This C17 vernacular dwelling with early C20 vernacular revival modifications is designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons: * Interior: it retains several original internal features of note including a dog-leg staircase, doors and architraves. * Plan Form: its original end baffle entry plan is retained and highly readable * Evolution: The C20 modifications, including the insertion of mullioned windows and the addition of a mock spinning gallery, enhances its interest as an example of the vernacular revival idea of an idealised C17 Lakeland house.
In its original form this house of c. 1700 comprised two-rooms with an end baffle entry plan. An additional single storey bay was subsequently added to its east end and in this form, it is depicted on the first edition 25-inch Ordnance Survey map published in 1860. At this time, the house is set in extensive grounds and is the only building shown in this part of the town. The footprint of the house is unchanged on subsequent map editions down to the present day. In c. 1900, it underwent external alteration to reflect the vernacular revival style, which included the renewal of most window openings and the addition of a mock spinning gallery. The former single storey end bay has recently been extended slightly and raised to full height necessitating the insertion of new window openings.
House, c. 1700 with early C20 and C21 modifications. MATERIALS: rendered rubble, Lakeland slate roof covering and stone mullioned windows. PLAN: rectangular range with a Baffle entry plan consisting of two original rooms, extended to the east and subsequently further extended and raised. A staircase provides access to the first floor rooms. EXTERIOR: the south elevation has five bays: a two bay range to the left of the entrance, a central two-bay range with a door under a spinning gallery and a larger bay to the right. All windows are a mixture of two, three and four light mullions with a single cross window beneath the gallery, all with plain chamfers; they are mostly c. 1900 replacements with the exception of those in the east end bay which are C21 insertions. At first floor level there is a two-bay wide gallery with overhanging roof supported on posts, with a turned baluster railing. There are rendered chimney stacks to each original gable. The rear elevation has four and five light mullioned windows flanking an inserted entrance with a bracketed hood and two, three and four light windows above. The later east end bay, which is slightly set back, has similar inserted windows and a door. INTERIOR: several original fittings remain including a dog-leg staircase with oak treads (the balustrade is a replacement), chamfered cross beams, floorboards, panelling and several doors and architraves. There is a small cellar with a fireplace and a blocked stair, under the east end of the house. The roof comprises several jointed tie beam trusses with curved struts, two tiers of through purlins and a square set ridge piece.
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