ST 68 NW
21.10.52 OLVESTON
CHURCH HILL (south side)
4 cottages adjoining The White Hart to the west
(formerly listed as 5 cottages adjoining The White Hart Inn) G.V.
II Irregular row of 4 cottages, now 3. C16 origins with later alterations and
additions. Rubble, brick, cottage to east has pantiled roof, 3 to west double
Roman tiles, rubble and brick gable stacks. All of 2 storeys, straight joint
between 2 to east, 2 to west of one build. Numbering from east to west:
number one has 2 windows, 2-light casements with chamfered mullions at 1st
floor with leaded lights to left, both with timber lintels, ground floor left
has small bay with brick apron, plank door with glass insertion in heavy
chamfered and stopped frame, 3-light casement with chamfered mullions and timber
lintel, oven projection in wall to right. Roof line steps down to number 2,
of 2 windows, 2-light casements at 1st floor, 3-light at ground floor, central
plank door in plain frame, all with timber lintels. Number 3 has 2 windows,
all 2-light casements with timber lintel, central door blocked, lintel remaining.
Number 4 has one window, 3-light casement at ground and 1st floor, plank door in
plain frame, all with timber lintel. Interior: number one has through
passage, fireplace with chamfered timber lintel, 2 hobs, jack and bread oven,
chamfered and scroll-stopped beams, plank and batten doors, newel stair; 1st
floor has stud and rail screen between front and rear rooms to east, 3-bay roof
has upper cruck trusses with pair of windbraces in each bay to front and rear
bay to west, collar to east truss. Listing NGR: ST6008587247
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