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Herridge House, Sherbourne House, Seymour House and Calebs House (Formerly listed as Herridges, Sherborne, Seymour House and Calebs, NORTHWOODS) GV
Four houses, formerly central part of asylum. Built 1833 to 1835 for Dr. Henry Hawes Fox to the designs of Bristol architect Charles Underwood. Ashlar, lined-out render, hipped slate roof on central block, flat elsewhere. Central block of two storeys and attic, seven windows, lower two storey wings of five windows, sashes throughout; central block has rusticated ground floor and large central bow (now two porches) supporting a loggia of fluted composite order, ground floor windows have pelmets, first floor has pilasters, windows have architraves and are below a panel, cornice, balustraded parapet; wings have four plain windows set back, then end pavilions, C20 glazing and doors inserted below, first floor has window with frame and pediment flanked by pilasters, cornice, isolated central section of balustraded parapet; similar first floor end elevations with panels rather than pediments over windows, ground floor is patched and adjoins C20 garages where single storey links to end pavilions were demolished. Rear: here central block has only five windows, all sashes, central three break forward again outer two are under fragment of Ionic colonnade with balusters and parapet, middle three windows carry a tetrastyle composite loggia with entablature and cornice, windows behind this, of which centre is blank have architraves and are below panels, to either side windows have pediments and are flanked by paired pilasters, balustraded parapet, wings have five plain windows set back, then end pavilion as front, all shorn of ground floor colonnade. Interior: much modified. Listing NGR: ST6397582728
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Other 'Plans of an establishment lately erected by Henry Hawes Fox M.D. for the cure of a limited number of insane patients’. 1835/1875 (Gloucestershire Archives Q/AL/38/7/3)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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