ST 55 NW UBLEY C.P. THE STREET (west side)
5/121 Church of St. Bartholomew
Parish church. C13, C15 aisles and tower arch, C19 remodelling of porch and
restoration. Sandstone rubble, coursed in tower, limestone dressings, slate
roofs with raised coped verges and cross-finials. West tower, nave, north aisle,
north porch, south aisle, chancel. Mainly Perpendicular style, remodelling and
rebuilding of different periods. 2-sage tower has 3-light pointed arched west
window with hood mould and relieving arch, 2nd stage has 2-light bell-opening each
side with cusped lights, slate louvres, pointed arch and hood mould, north side
has lancet below bell-opening; limestone quoins, moulded plinth, weathered
diagonal buttresses, embattled parapet with gargoyles, crocketed pinnacles at
corners stone spire with finial and cross; south east stair tower has one
weathered set-off, lancets, similar parapet and pinnacles, pyramidal stone roof.
4-bay north aisle has 3 windows to north, all 3-light with 4-centred arched head
and hood mould, weathered buttresses, plinth, cornice and parapet with pierced
cusped lozenge frieze, crocketed pinnacle above each buttress; pointed arched
2-light west window, roof-line visible from original narrow aisle, quoins remaining,
similar 3-light east window. 2nd bay from west has gabled porch, with diagonal
buttresses, pointed arched opening with inner shafts and hood mould, 2-bay C19
roof of arched-brace, collar and ridge purlin, inner door has 4-centred arch and
hollow-moulded surround, heavy door with raised moulded fillets and strap hinges,
remains of former image niche above. 5-bay south aisle has to left 2-light
pointed arched window with cusped heads, quatrefoil above and hood mould, 3 other
windows in rectangular surrounds, of 3-lights with cusped heads; weathered
buttresses and diagonal buttresses, no plinth, cornice with gargoyles, similar
parapet without pinnacles, probably rebuilt Cl9; central bay has door with
triangular head, door with strap hinges, scratch dial to left with gnomon missing;
to west, set-off from stair tower and continued plinth shows original aisle line;
3-light east window with pointed arch. Chancel has pointed arched lancet to
north and south, 3-light east window with pointed arch and hood mould; nave roof
at same level as chancel. Interior: tower has C19 framed ceiling, pointed
arched and hollow-chamfered door to tower, carved ledge on shield corbel to north,
possibly formerly for image and re-set, tall pointed arch to nave with 2 broad
wave-moulds. Nave has Cl9 wagon roof with wall-plate, 4-bay arcade to north and
south, all pointed arches of 2 chamfered orders except 2nd arch from east in north
arcade with round head, all piers on moulded plinth, with 4 hollows and shafts at
corners, moulded capitals; octagonal north east pier, tall pointed arch to
chancel with same mouldings as tower arch and former rood stair door at upper
level to south, small shallow recess on south east pier with 2 pointed heads.
North aisle has shallow 8-bay roof with moulded ridge purlin, principal rafters
and one row of purlins, pointed arch of 2 chamfered orders to north chapel with
2 further bays of same roof construction, engaged pier to north as in north arcade,
pointed arch with 2 chamfered orders to chancel. South aisle has 7-bay pitched
roof, moulded principal rafters rising from stone mask corbels, moulded purlin,
2 similar bays for south chapel with moulded brace in central truss forming 2
pitches; small piscina on south wall, similar pointed arch to chancel. Chancel
has ceiled 4-bay C19 wagon roof, south piscina with cusped head. Fittings:
stone font in nave with square bowl, possibly C13; early Cig board in nave
recording gifts to parish; pulpit in nave made from C17 carved wooden panelling;
similar panelling forming reredos; carved wooden altar table in chancel, dated
1637 GLIT/CW; piece cut from bell dated 1622 with Prince of Wales' feathers, in
north aisle, also chained Bible in showcase with similar panelling set behind.
Monuments in tower, stone tablet with verse, to Mary Bush, 1679; similar tablet to
Mary Bishop, 1707; stone tablet to John Parker, 1811; stone tablet with carved
surround, hourglass and crossed bones, to Edmund Dribbick, 1701; small marble
sarcophagus tablet, to Ann Pyatt, 1821; stone memorial with raised curved oval, carved
cherubs on surround, to Thomas Jouxon, 1996. Stained glass of the crucifixion
in east window, by J B Capronnier of Brussels, 1877. (Sources: Pevsner, N:
Buildings of England: North Somerset and Bristol. 1958).
Listing NGR: ST5293758234