This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 23 September 2024 to remove superfluous amendment details, correct typo and reformat the text to current standards TL 18 60
47-/1/26 ST NEOTS
MARKET SQUARE (south side)
Nos 32 to 36 (even)
"Paine's Brewery" and related buildings forming two courtyards to the rear (Formerly listed as Nos 32 to 36 (even)) 10.01.51 GV
II Circa 1831 with symetrical facade, three storeys. Seven windows, three middle in slightly projecting bay carried up with pediment surmounted by weather vane. Gault brick with stone dressings. Stone cornice surmounted by panelled parapet. Square-headed windows with rusticated arches and glazing bars, central arched recess with Venetian first floor window with side-lights blocked, above at second floor clock under bracketted, arched head with panel below inscribed "ESTD 1831". Central carriageway with semi- elliptical rusticated arch. Good wooden shopfronts; No 32 with Ionic half columns carrying entablature with scrolled ends; No 34 with narrow paired brackets carrying entablature with modillioned cornice; projecting shop window. To the rear of the brewery, reached through the elliptical-arched carriageway, are three ranges of industrial structures, forming two courtyards. All were used at one time or another in the brewing process. They are of several distinct builds, with the earliest actually predating the main range to Market Square and very likely of the C17; the latest dates structures date to the early part of the C20. This assortment of industrial buildings vividly illustrates the history of Paine's brewery over two centuries. In addition, these courtyards also contain a handsome collection of industrial building with definite architectural character. Short two storey, red brick structure on the left as one enters the brewyard from the carriage arch; tile roof and one-window range. Early C19 stock brick structure with slate roof and three-window range follows; somewhat domestic character with door of original design near centre of elevation; overlight; segmental-arched opening; to rear elevation, facing courtyard to the east, several windows with sashes of Regency period design. This structure may be contemporary with the range to Market Square or even slightly earlier. Slightly lower two- storey structure is timber framed with red brick infill, possibly of C17 origin, although most of the internal floor joists appear contemporary with the early C19 brick skin; steeply pitched roof of tile also consistent with earlier date. To the south a somewhat higher two storey, brick block with three-window range and roof of slate, early C19. At the end of this range, with good brick polychromed detailing to three elevations, is the former brewhouse and brewhouse stack, by far the most architecturally distinguished and noteworthy structure in this courtyard; the date late C19 : segmental-arched openings to ground and first floors, two- window range, with lunette to facing gable; chimney set back on right return from which projects a single-storey block with lunette to south elevation and detailing of the same character as that on the taller structure. Similar elevation to east courtyard. The west side of this first courtyard is formed from the listed public house immediately on the right as one enters the carriageway, the former Bull Inn (q.v., listed in grade II). Lining the rest of this side is a single-storey brick range of early C20 date with tile roofs and four hipped dormers; range interrupted by broken join. The south end of the courtyard is closed by structures of this build; those at the southwest corner with roofs partly collapsed. King post trusses of early C20 date to structures at southeast corner of site; roof of one with louvre; single-storey open shed of two bays, with lathe to facing west gable, and ventilation tile to roof; the brick piers supporting the roof take the form of four half rounds. The east range of the east courtyard dominated by a very picturesque grouping of tile roofed, one and two storey buildings, the southmost with a facing gable and broad eaves, followed by a single-storey structure with a pair of gabled dormers; these two structures are very likely c1900. Next in the sequence, moving from south to north, is the spiky Victorian Gothic structure with date stone indicating 1876 and bearing William Paine's initials. The architectural pretence of this structure suggests that it may have been the yard office. Gable end with broached stack to north of this range, then a single storey range incorporating some C18 timber framing. Here the rear buildings to Nos. 32, 34 and 36 abut structures specified in the list description for Nos. 40 and 42 Market Square (q.v.). Nos 16 to 46 even form a group. Listing NGR: TL1825160201
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