(off south side) 6/49 Dean's Orchard (formerly
listed as: The Vicarage,
6.1.66 formerly Dean's Orchard) GV II Large detached house, adjoining churchyard. 1708 and 1756, extended across
north side later. Good squared and coursed Doulting stone to front (south) with
some Chilmark stone including quoins, mainly rubble elsewhere, plain tile roof.
Originally a 3-bay symmetrical C18 house on 3 floors plus attics, in mid C18
extended by further 3-bays on 2 floors and attics, under continuous roof line,
with especially lofty ground floor in later half; to left is lower, 2-storey
unit. Garden front has at ground floor three 2-light horizontal glazing bar
casements to keyed voussoirs, then part-glazed door under 3-pane transom light
plus two large 12-pane sashes to voussoirs and keystone. At eaves are two
2-light casements and a painted blocked opening then three 12-pane sashes; at
intermediate level in left half one casement and one 12-pane sash, both to keyed
voussoirs Four large hipped dormers; to left with blocked painted-on windows, a
2-light casement and a 12-pane light. To left is 2-storey 1-window service
unit; this section rendered. Rear, towards churchyard, in coursed rubble has
scattered fenestration, with, at ground floor, two 2-light casements and 2-small
square lights, also a 2-light with transom, to stair, with 3-light flat-roofed
dormer above. Far right, in lower unit, a 2-light at eaves, most openings with
concrete lintels. Left is plank door in plain frame. A large external stack
with shaft in brick to gable, left, and 3 ridge stacks. The external wall of
the C18 building is mainly concealed by later swept-down or lean-to additions on
the side. Interior: cross passage from south leads to fielded 6-panel door,
probably a principal entry before addition of later corridor and lean-to. Many
fielded panel painted doors, shutters to high room to right which also has chair
rail and decorative cornice; two rooms to left with lower ceilings, and with
small rough chamfered beams. The far room has two recessed to cambered arches
in soft red brick dressings, perhaps originally external openings. At first
floor the date 1756 is scratched in plaster. Between early and later sections a
2-light opening, with lath and plaster. Roof to 1708 section is pegged 2-purlin
double collar; the intermediate gable wall retains a 2-light window, now
internal. A further 2-light window at first floor is also now internal. The
name of the property derives from a grant by Edmund, son of the Earl of
Cornwall, in 1280, to the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury, of land here including
a mill for grinding corn. It remained with the Ecclesiastical Commissioners
until 1969.
(Mere: A Wiltshire Country Town; 1975).
Listing NGR: ST8114432237
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Books and journals Mere A Wiltshire Country Town, (1975)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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