SE 0226 & SE 0326
(west side) , Luddenden
Oats Royd Mill, block
20.8.82 to west of road
formerly listed as part
of Oats Royd Mill)
GV II Mill buildings, now various commercial premises and part unoccupied. Mid C19,
of 2 builds. Coursed squared stone, slate roof. 4 storeys with loft, 27 bays. Left-hand section: inscribed 'J M' (John Murgatroyd)with date 1847 below. 2 outer bays at left end break forward. Plinth; 6-pane windows, some with C20 glazing, with stone lintels and projecting cills; openings to right of bay 11 partly blocked; gutter brackets on table. First floor covered walkway in corrugated iron from bay 3 to pay office opposite. Bay 10 is gabled and has a round-arched cart-entry to ground floor and a loading door to each other floor (including loft) with hoist above; bay 24 has 1st and 2nd-floor loading doors, now windows, with rusticated quoins, round-arched, and date plaque above; bay 27 has a sliding door. Loading bay cills show extensive wear. 6-pane windows with stone lintels and projecting cills, ground floor windows blocked, iron rings in lintels of 3rd-floor lintels; gutter brackets on table. To rear, lavatory block near south end. Further 14 bays in original listing destroyed by fire in 1989. INTERIOR: divided on all floors by substantial stone walls into discrete sections, one wall having blocked windows presumably originally external. Ceilings and floors original, some ceilings masked by false ceilings, original cast iron columns throughout, floors have 'dolly-runs', original roof structure with cast iron stanchions to trusses, original staircase, drive wheels and pulley in loft formerly connected to steam engine house to east. Inserted breeze-block dividing walls, and new staircase at south end. A group plan of the mill complex made in 1898 shows that the left-hand section was used as a wool warehouse, the right-hand section as a mill (the carding, combing and wearing sheds lying to the east of the road). Murgatroyds : Ground Plan 1898 (674), in the collection of papers on John Murgatroyd and Sons, Oats Royd, 1728-1892 (JW), Calderdale Archives.
Listing NGR: SE0389126574
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