SX 36 NW
7/174 ST IVE
Chantry GII*
Rectory,now private house.1852-1854 by William White for Canon Reginald Hobhouse.Stone rubble with red sand stone dressings.Steeply pitched slate roofs with gable ends to main range.Cross wing on west beneath separate roof with gable ends.Gable above main entrance on north east.Gabled roofs to dormers.Large stone rubble stack to right of north east gable over entrance,slate hung stack to left of west gable over kitchen,directly above second entrance and smaller stone stacks in ridge and heightened with brick on south slope of west gable end.Plan basically rectangular with service rooms in cross wing.Segregated functions with family and reception rooms facing south and east in main range on east.Housekeepers room and butlers pantry on west of main range.Service rooms in cross wing on west.Gothic vernacular style but not adapting traditional plan.North elevation to road and entrance.Two storeys basement and attic.Fenestration complete with diamond leaded panes.To right,cross wing with three ogee head lights on two triangular tracery lights piercing the wall plane and without a hoodmould but with a wide relieving arch above.Two-light mullioned window placed asymmetrically in asymmetrical gable end above.Main range to left set slightly back.Entrance at angle beneath pointed sand stone arch.Decorative slate-hung water tank added in1908 above porch with gabled roof.To left,eye led towards gable over main entrance.Small rectangular window to butlers pantry with larger window to left,then single light with cusped heads,with stair window above in half-gabled dormer with mullion and transom window with cusped heads.Beneath entrance gable, the door is asymmetrically placed in a two-centred arch with hoodmould.Pointed plank door with strap hinges.Above,one-light window with cusped head.Similar window in first floor of east gable end.Rear,south elevation.Ground floor with three pointed arched openings in main range,two with eight-pane sashes and central opening with replaced French windows.In tympanum above rectangular frames,granite lintel.Mid C20 open porch over central openings.Mid C20 bay window to right replacing elaborate original bow window remains of which lie to the east in the garden.Above, two three-light mullion windows,one two-light similar window and one-light cusped window with trefoil head. Dormer windows in attic.Crossing on left with two-light mullion window in slate-hung asymmetrical gable end.West elevation of cross wing with interesting roof line with roof swept down over outshut.Rain water goods complete with castellated hoppers and simple,well designed brackets to gutters.Bellcote in ridge on west with bell removed.Interior;Shutters,doors,door frames and door furniture almost complete including moulded timber door knobs to family rooms and metal door latches service rooms.Deep skirting boards to reception rooms on ground floor with ovolo moulded edges.Glazed terracotta tiles forming skirtings with moulded edge to main hall and corridor.Glazed tiled floor to hall and corridors,timber floor to main reception rooms and slate floors to service rooms.Drawing room on east with original chimney piece with pointed moulded limestone arch with black marble shelf and brackets.Minton tiles.Living room with replaced well-carved granite chimney piece.Study with simple original limestone fireplace with painted arch with hollow chamfers and pyramid stops.Mantlepiece on moulded brackets.Service rooms on west with dairy,buttery,coal store and pantry.Dairy slightly below ground for coolness.Laundry with large chimney piece.Internal well covered over.House keeper's room on south west with bell holes.Simple chimney piece of bath stone with pointed arch.Simple shutters and red and black tiled floor.Kitchen with large limestone chimney piece partly blocked,chamfered arch with ogee stops.Lower stage of staircase removed after attack of dry rot.Upper stages with closed string,square balusters stopped at top and bottom.Square newels,also stopped with moulded finial below.Master bedroom and dressing room on east illuminated partly by cusped single lights.Intersections ceiling beams with heavy chamfers and ogee stops.Simple bath stone original chimney piece with very small original chimney piece with pointed arch in dressing room.Family bedrooms with chamfered ceiling beams and original chimney pieces Garret bedrooms with very small,original chimney pieces of Bath stone with two-centred arches.Retained by owner,fourteen working drawings by William White,1 Seymour Chambers,Adelphi,London.Canon Reginal Eobiiouse(died 1895.)later Archdeacon Hobhouse was commemorated by the erection of glass in the east window of parish church.(qv Church of St Ivo).His daughter Emily(1860-1926)is revered in South Africa for her work in support of the Boers.Buried in a VIP cemetery along with Smuts and has had a South African Submarine named after her together with a set of South African Stamps in 1984.Graham Daw;Source;William White at St Ive Cornish Buildings Group proceedings 1982.Information from owner and previous owner.
Listing NGR: SX3101367125
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Books and journals 'Cornish Building Group Proceedings' in William White at St Ive, (1982)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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