Boundary wall, late-C17/early-C18 with C19 and early-C20 alterations.
Reasons for Designation
The late-C17/early-C18 boundary wall 250m to the north-east of Priory Gardens Cottage is designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Historic: as a built element of the designed landscape at Gisborough Priory Gardens
* Group value: for its association with numerous other listed structures and the scheduled Gisborough Priory ruins, which together provide physical evidence as to the story of an historically significant site with a great time depth
* Date: for its retention of pre-1840, most probably pre-1700, fabric
The lands belonging to the former Priory were first leased by Thomas Chaloner in 1547, who subsequently purchased them in 1550 for £998. It was not until the death of Edward Chaloner in 1680 that the family moved to the site. Edward’s son William constructed a mansion on Bow Street, known as Old Hall, and it was at this point that the gardens were developed. The standing stonework of the Priory was incorporated into the ornamental gardens to provide a setting to the Hall. Research into the gardens has identified three main phases; 1709, 1773-1805 and 1854. This boundary wall dates to the first phase of garden development, appearing on plans of the garden based on Kip’s 1709 engraving. By 1854, the south-west end of the wall had been altered to curve southwards; this was later truncated. The north end of the wall was also truncated through the insertion of a later boundary wall which separated it from the Priory ruins (designated Grade II as part of the boundary walls to the Priory ruins, list entry 1139767).
MATERIALS: brick with flat stone copings to the east and dressed sandstone to the south. PLAN: the eastern section runs north-south. At the southern end the wall turns west. DESCRIPTION: there is a round-arched opening with a wood-plank door to the centre of the eastern section. The south section running east-west is topped by corrugated iron in parts and flat coping stones in others. The height drops to the west. There is an inserted doorway accessed via sunken steps, as well as an inserted opening onto a ramp with coping stones. These would have provided access to the greenhouses and the frames which were built abutting the wall’s southern face.
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Books and journals Gisborough Priory Project, , The Lost Gardens of Gisborough Priory, (2008)Other Reid Jubb Brown Partnership for Gisborough Priory Project, The Strategic and Operational Plan for the Gisborough Priory Gardens, May 2006,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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