SX 35 NE SHEVIOCK SHEVIOCK 2/321 Sheviock Barton Farmhouse GV II
Farmhouse. Dated WR 1682 scratched on stone beside front door, possibly of earlier
origin, with late C18 and mid C19 alterations and additions and some C20 alterations.
Slatestone and sandstone rubble, partly rendered. Slate roof with clay ridge tiles,
lower end to right has half-hipped roof with end stack, rear lateral stack to hall.
Originally 3-room and through passage plan with lower end to right and hall and inner
room to left. The lower end room is heated by an end stack, the hall by a rear
lateral stack. Inner room probably originally heated by gable end stack. Attached
to end left and projecting forward, a barn originally of single storey, raised
probably in mid C19; this incorporated part of the inner room and was formerly used
as living accommodation in the part adjoining the main range of the house. Circa
late C18 a 2-storey wing of one-room plan was added to the rear of the hall and inner
room, containing staircase, with half-hipped end and external stack. In the mid C19,
the lower end was remodelled, probably with ceiling heights raised in ground and
first floor rooms. Later in the C19 a barn was added to the end of the lower end, at
a lower roof level.
2 storeys, at ground floor 2 C20 2-light casements with timber lintels lighting the
hall and the inner room; door to passage has glazed panel and pitched slate hood on
wooden piers. 2-light casement with brick head to lower end room. At first floor, 3
C20 2-light casements, one above passage with heavy timber lintel, at end right 16-
pane sash in gabled dormer. Attached to right, the barn has central double door and
loading door above, 6-pane light to right and left with stone wedge-shaped head,
half- hipped roof to end right. Right end of house rendered with rendered end stack.
Barn projecting to left has former doorway, blocked, with buttress to eacL side and
doorway to right; gable end of barn rebuilt in C20 blockwork with garage entrance,
addition at end with corrugated iron roof. Left side of the barn has horizontal
sliding sash of 15 panes each and 3-light casement with timber lintel, both under
eaves, formerly lighting living end of the barn. Rear end of barn has ground floor
2-light casement with chamfered timber lintel. Rendered 2-storey wing to rear of
hall and inner room, has 16-pane sash at ground floor and 2 C20 windows at first
floor, C20 window at ground floor to left of stack at end. Single storey outshut
along the rear of the lower end and passage, with 2 casements, also rendered.
Interior Not fully accessible. The barn attached to front left has slate floor, C19
4-bay roof, with principal rafters and tie beams, 2 rows of purlins. One early truss
at the house end with principals crossed at apex, with cambered, chamfered collar;
this would date from the raising of the walls, originally single storey, probably in
the C18. The hall has a mid C19 fireplace to the rear lateral stack, lower end room
completely remodelled mid C19. Rest of house not accessible.
Listing NGR: SX3695255038
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