TL 60 17 HIGH RODING THE STREET 4/14 Dragon Beams GV II Late C16 crosswing, combined with late C18 cottage to the SW, to form one
house, altered in C19 and C20. Timber-framed, plastered between exposed
framing, roof of crosswing tiled,roof of cottage slated. 2-bay crosswing
formerly jettied to the front only but later underbuilt and original external
chimney stack to rear, late C16. Remainder of original house which extended
to the SW has been demolished, and on its site a late C18 cottage erected,
originally single-storey with attics, roof raised in late C19 to form 2 full
storeys, with a low pitch for slate. Small building to rear possibly a detached
kitchen contemporary with the house, extensively altered and now linked to
the main structure. C19 external chimney stack on NE wall. 2 C20 casement
windows on each floor. Timber frame partly exposed internally. Crosswing
has jowled storey posts, close studding with curved tension braces trenched to
the inside, clasped purlin roof, floor extensively rebuilt. Jetty underbuilt
with primary straight bracing. A photograph taken by the RCHM c.1920 shows the
whole building lathed and plastered externally, with 2 early C19 doors with
shallow hoods now both blocked. The cottage would have been plastered from
the outset, and the crosswing would have been plastered over at least since the
jetty was underbuilt. The removal of this exterior plaster has reduced the
historical authenticity of the building, and will shorten its life. The
reconstruction of the floor of the crosswing with false angle ties, and the
introduction of older components of unknown provenance into the cottage, have
reduced the historical value of the interior. The remaining historical value
now consists primarily in the wall framing, roof and rear chimney stack of the
crosswing. The small building to the rear may have been a detached kitchen,
and therefore of some historical interest, but the NE and SE walls and roof
have been extensively rebuilt and its historical value now consists in the
NW wall, which appears to be original and possibly contemporary with the house.
The name Dragon Beams should not be taken as evidence that there are or have
ever been dragon beams in this building, as it has been jettied on one
elevation only. It would still be possible to reverse some of these alterations.
Listing NGR: TL6022117099
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