873-1/24/105 (South side)
12/12/53 Nos.7-12 (Consecutive)
Pulteney Buildings (terrace) GV II* Formerly known as: Nos.1-6 ESPLANADE.
Terrace of 6 houses. c1805. Flemish bond brickwork, slate
roofs. A series of one-room double-depth houses, with a double
mansard roof to central valley, set at an obtuse angle to and
slightly forward from Devonshire Buildings (qv) to the left.
There is also a straight joint in the brickwork between Nos 7
& 8. It seems likely that this terrace was built before
Devonshire Buildings (qv), and that at first a gap was left
between the 2 units, later filled by No.7.
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys, attic and basement, each 2 windows, all
glazing-bar sashes with splayed painted lintels and stone
sills; flat-roofed dormers with 6-pane, 9-pane at second
floor, a 2-storey flat oriel bow with 8:12:8-pane to the left,
and a 12-pane to the right above an arched doorway in 2 orders
over a 6-panel door with plain fanlight, on 4 or 5 stone steps
with nosings.
At basement level, in the plane of the main wall, are paired
4-pane, except to Nos 7 & 12, which have wide 24-pane sashes.
A stone cornice with bold cyma mould, blocking course, and
parapet; each house has paired deep stacks to the right party
wall. The basement areas are contained by square section wood
railings, returned on the level to the doorways. The backs are
little changed.
Originally each house had a small gabled service wing, which
remains to Nos 9 & 10, with various modifications and
extensions to the others. Each has a central single raking
dormer with sash (No.12 has a wider dormer with paired sash),
and 3 have laylights to the left. Below is a 12-pane sash
above a canted oriel, extended up to the second floor in
No.10, and down to the ground floor in No.12. To the left of
each oriel is a deep 15-pane stair window.
INTERIOR: not inspected.
This terrace is practically unaltered externally, and, in
conjunction with the adjacent and contemporaneous Devonshire
Buildings, provides a worthy starting group for the long
Esplanade stretching to the N.
(RCHME: Dorset, South-East: London: 1970-: 353).
Listing NGR: SY6819478823
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Books and journals Inventory of Dorset II South East, (1970), 353
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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