4/25 Sewalds Hall
Manor house, C15 and later, and smaller C16 house, forming a 'Unit System'
group. Mainly timber framed, plastered, roofed with handmade red clay tiles.
Originally comprised a hall house aligned approx. NW-SE, aspect SW, with 2
crosswings, and a second house situated to the S, corner to corner with it,
accommodating separate households, usually different generations of the same
family working the same land. Now comprises 2-bay NW crosswing, C15 central
range of plastered brick in position of former hall, C18, 2-bay SE crosswing,
late C16, joined to formerly separate house of 3 bays, late C16. Internal
chimney stacks against NW wall of NW crosswing, at both ends of central range,
and between the NE and middle bay of the smaller house. Single-storey extension
to NW of NW crosswing, C19, and lean-to extensions to SE blocks, C18/19. Canopy
on posts with arch bracing along both sides of central range, slate roof, C19.
SW elevation, central range, central 6-panel door, 2 double-hung sash windows of
12 lights, early C19, forming a symmetrical composition. In each crosswing, one
double-hung sash window of 15 lights on ground floor, early C19, one casement
window above, C19, approximately symmetrical, except that the NW crosswing is
smaller than the other. C19 casement window in NW extension. NW crosswing,
disused in 1983, has exposd longitudinal joists of horizontal section, jowled
posts, curved tension bracing trenched outside studding, cambered tiebeam with
arch braces to it, mortices for unglazed windows at tear. Crownpost roof,
complete, with axial braces only to central crownpost. Central range has late
C18 staircase, hardwood rail, 2 square balusters to each tread, scrolled tread
ends. SE crosswing has plain-chamfered beam with lamb's tongue stops, face-
halved and bladed scarf in NW wallplate, queen strut roof, other structure
concealed. Now joined at ground floor level to the smaller house, its lower NE
bay used with the larger house, the remainder forming a store entered from
outside. Jowled posts, bracing trenched inside studs, cambered tiebeam with
deep arched braces, queen strut roof, face-halved and bladed scarfs in
wallplates. Large bread oven with cast iron door, complete. Early type of
water tank, made of wood and lined with lead, date uncertain. Pump in working
order, c.1900, with stone sink. Outside privy with 'Manor Closet', glazed white
earthenware bowl with blue lettering, non-flushing direct discharge type, in
wooden seat with wooden lid, and lower seat for child. Moated site.
Listing NGR: TL4957507408