TL 72 NW SHALFORD JASPER'S GREEN 3/64 April Cottage - II House. Late medieval, altered in C18 and C20. Timber framed, plastered, roof
thatched. 2-bay hall facing SW, with parlour/solar bay to left, and C18
extension to right, on site of original service end. External stacks at each
end. C20 2-storey extension to rear, with red tiled canopy in rear left angle.
2 storeys. Ground floor, 2 C19 horizontally sliding sashes of 12 lights and one
of 9 lights, 2 C20 casements, C20 French windows. First floor, 2 C19
horizontally sliding sashes of 12 lights and 2 of 9 lights. C20 door in gabled
porch. Jowled posts, heavy studding. The parlour/solar bay has the original
floor of lodged plain joists of horizontal section, one curved brace trenched
into the studs of the partition to the hall, blocked doorway with plain head.
An inserted timber frame, probably C17, in the left wall, encloses a C20 grate
on the ground floor and a blocked hearth on the first floor. The hall has front
and back doorways with plain heads, blocked, at the right end, and pegholes for
the original fixed bench at the left end. The transverse beam of the inserted
floor is plastered over, with plain joists of horizontal section supported on a
pegged clamp in the left bay, thin vertical joists in the right bay. It is
likely that a stack was inserted in the right bay c.1600, and removed in the
C18, when it would have been re-floored. The walls have been raised approx.
1.30 metres and the roof rebuilt in the C17 or C18. RCHM 25.
Listing NGR: TL7176426881
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