873-1/23/353 (West side)
Head Post Office GV II Head post office. Early C20. Flemish bond brickwork with
Portland stone dressings, slate roof. A large block with long
frontage to St Thomas Street, and a shorter return to Lower St
Alban Street; the corner is taken on a quadrant with a cupola,
flanked by high pedimented gables carried on giant paired
Ionic pilasters. Robust Edwardian Baroque, reminiscent of
Thomas Archer's work.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys. Windows are mainly glazing-bar sashes.
The pedimented bays flanking the corner have a Palladian
window above 2 deep sashes in architraves, with very deep
triple keystones, and Gibbsian blocks.
Ground floor, in banded ashlar, has a large lunette with
triple light, bold scrolled keystone, and raised keystones to
the architrave.
Stone cupola with ball finial has 4 small arched lights under
pediments, set to the curve, in banded ashlar above a blind
The moulded open pediments with guttae modillions are linked
round the quadrant, with 3 small lights in Doric mullions
below the architrave; a sill band threads the giant pilasters
and reappears as sill band to the Palladian lights.
At first floor is a single tall sash as to each side, and the
doorway with open pediment on banded Ionic columns is set
across the angle, with a pair of doors in an arch.
Front to St Thomas Street has single and paired sashes in
plain reveals, with deep keystones and moulded stone sills at
second floor, plus stone aprons at first floor, and in arched
moulded surrounds with keystones at ground floor; the arch
keystones rise to a continuous plain stone band. In the third
bay is a pair of panelled doors in a bolection-mould surround,
under an entablature with small lunette over, and a further
door and surround, with transom panel above, in the end bay to
the right, which is slightly set back from the remainder.
The return frontage is similar, but with lunette windows to
the ground floor, and with an inserted bay to a segmental
moulded head and banded pilasters, with a further doorway. A
stone cornice to concealed eaves gutter. The end returns to a
brick bay with 3 windows and a blocked doorway, then sets back
to the rear of the main range, which is in painted brick with simple detailing.
INTERIOR: the principal office interior has been transformed
in the late C20.
A bold design which dominates a prominent corner position: it
makes few concessions to the surroundings, but also takes the
corner as a firm urban statement. Listing NGR: SY6790478932
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