SE 5277-5377
(north side)
28.2.52 The Old Hall
GV II Grammar school and master's house; now private house. School founded in 1600 by
Sir John Hart, Lord Mayor of London: the building has early C18, C19 and C20
alterations. Ashlar sandstone, stone slate and pantile roofs. L-shaped plan,
the school range parallel to the road, and the early-C18 master's house a wing
projecting forward to the right, both of 1 1/2 storeys. Main range: 4 bays, with
small staircase turret at rear to left end; on ground floor, four 4-light
mullion and transom windows with some renewed stonework, and to left board door
in Tudor-arched moulded ashlar surround with hood mould, and a coat of arms
above it, around which rises a string course; on the first floor, four C19
pent-roofed dormer windows each with three small 8-pane sashes; stone slate
roof; ashlar coping, that to left with ball finial at ridge; brick stack at
right end. Right wing, south (road) elevation: on each floor a sash window with
glazing bars and hood mould; moulded coping to gable with ball finial at ridge.
Left return of wing: on ground floor, C20 6-panel door in chamfered surround
with hood mould, and inserted double-chamfered window to its left, sash window
with glazing bars and hood mould to its right; two C20 dormer windows with
9-pane unequally-hung sash windows; pantile roof with stone slates at eaves;
brick stack behind the door. Rear, main blocks: 5-light matching window was
blocked by late-C19 wing, since removed, and window opened up and relocated; 1
original dormer window; stair turret with some original windows. Interior: in
main range, two school rooms, one to left with late-C19 panelling copying the
original, also with stone inscription recording endowment of school in 1600 with
4 scholarships and 2 fellowships for its scholars at Sidney College, Cambridge.
The master's house with a kitchen and dining room for the boys' meals was added
c.1725: the chimney stack above the door served a large kitchen fireplace and
bread oven, since demolished. Until 1806, masters of the grammar school were
also ministers at Husthwaite Church (qv). From 1806, the masters of the grammar
school were also perpetual curates of Coxwold Church (qv). The school closed in
1894, and the panelling formerly in the left schoolroom, and bearing boys' names
carved on it, including that of architect William Wakefield, was reassembled in
the Porters' Hall at Newburgh Priory (qv). VCH ii, p.8.
Listing NGR: SE5334477244
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Books and journals Page, W, The Victoria History of the County of York: North Riding, (1914), 8
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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