(west side)
9/65 The Noake
Farmhouse. Probably early C18, enlarged early-mid C19. English
bond brickwork, early part irregular, roughcast to lane, slate
roof, except long rear slope to range at right-angles to lane,
tiled, with diamonds in darker tiles. Two 4-window ranges, at
right angles, 2 storeys, long single storey rear wing forming U,
angle infilled single storey with long roof sloping down from 2-
storey garden front. To lane: plinth, 4 sash windows, projecting
keystones, to each floor, plain, projecting eaves course, hipped
roof, chimney one bay from right. Panelled internal shutters.
Left return: garden front. On right large, single-storey canted
bay, sashes to sides, glazed door end, up 2 stone steps. Above,
double French doors, cambered rubbed brick arch: render returned a
short way onto garden front to right. Hipped end to roof over. To
left, lower 2-storey range. Four 3-light casements, iron opening
lights, first 2 rubbed brick arches, second 2 cambered brick heads,
change in brickwork between. Above, 3 sashes, timber lintels,
dentil eaves, roof hipped on left, chimney one bay from end,
bellcote with swept pyramidal roof at change of brickwork. Right
end may replace earlier building. Syndey Dobell, the poet, lived
here 1848-'50, whilst writing 'The Roman'.
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