This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 2 September 2024 to update the name and address and reformat the text to current standards ST 5704
FORE STREET (South side)
No. 29 and The Old Surgery (Formerly listed as No.29) GV
II Attached House, and former shop premises. Rebuilt later C19, with C17 features (datestone, windows) incorporated. Datestone, left of centre, X RM AN:DO 1667. Rubble-stone walls, and ashlar stone quoins. Slate and asbestos slate roof, with projecting rafters. Early C20 brick stacks at left hand gable (lower), main ridge and right hand gable. Two storeys. Two window (shop) and four windows. Four-light and two-light hollow-chamfered stone mullions with separate labels, iron casements and fixed glass lights. First floor has wooden casements and horizontal glazing-bars, wood cills over. Two small gables to front, in bays two and four. Porch, right of centre, rubble-stone and ashlar dressings. Slate roof, with stone gable-coping and obelisk finial, four-centred entrance-arch, with hollow-chamfered jambs, stopped. Plank-and-muntin door , studded, C20. Left, lower end, former shop-front, has two square bays each side of a panelled and glazed door. Hipped slate roof. (RCHM. Dorset I, p.108(5) Listing NGR: ST5732404477
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Books and journals Inventory of Dorset, (1952), 108
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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