SP 0634-0734
(north side)
11/71 Rose and Cross Cottages; No 2,
Church Lane
4.7.60 (formerly partly listed as Cross
Three attached cottages. C17, C18, altered C20. Roughly squared,
coursed stone, except for Rose Cottage, better squared stone;
stone slates to High Street, concrete tiles to.Church Lane. 'L'
plan, 4 windows High Street, 2 1/2 and 1 1/2 storeys; gable and 4 bays
Church Lane, 1 1/2 storeys. Windows all leaded lights, save dormers;
hoodmoulds to all ground floor openings. High Street, Rose Cottage
left: 3-light mullioned window; late C20 half-glazed door up 2
stone steps, Tudor arch, deep stone lintel. Late C20 three-light
mullioned above: 2 gabled dormers, 2-light iron casements.
Parapet gable left, ridge chimney each end, moulded cap. To right
Cross Cottage, two 3-light mullioned; above 2-light mullioned
dormer, parapet gable; parapet gable with cross-gablet apex right
end. To Church Lane: gable left, boarded door up 2 concrete
steps, Tudor arch, no hoodmould: single-light window to right.
Above 2-light mullioned window, hoodmould; small 2-light Medieval
window in gable, blind quatrefoil between, out of single stone
(reset). To right No 2; all windows early C20. Four-light
mullions, boarded door up one concrete step, Tudor arch; two
single-light windows; slit to right; vertical joint just before
corner. Above eaves chimney on left, moulded cap; 2 dormers, 2-
light and 3-light mullioned, with hoodmoulds; ridge chimney at
left door. Listed principally for group value.
Listing NGR: SP0686734264
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