SY 98
6/96 Carey House and
Carey Cottage,
including attached
gazebo on east,
and boundary walls
on north and east
- II
Country House. Originally a keeper's cottage of c.1860, in "cottage
orne" style, considerably enlarge in "Arts and Crafts" style in 1922,
- designer Alan Sturdy. Original cottage has brick walls, tiled roofs
with enriched brick cornices under verges, brick slacks with over-
sailing caps. Later section has rubble stone walls. Roofs part
stone-slated with carved bargeboards and part covered with asbestos
pantiles. Plastered stacks. Irregular split-level plan, part 2-
storeyed, part one storey and attics. Entrance front has ground
floor raised over basement. At left end, a projecting gable with
stone mullioned window. Entrance up flight of stone steps with
solid balustrades. Glazed oak doors in Gothic style. Oak mullioned
window with lead lights. Right of this a projecting 2-storeyed wing
with, on first floor, canted oriel oak mullioned window with lead
lights. In front wall of wing a projecting stone stack. Right of
this, the original cottage has projecting gable. Circular oriel
window on first floor with brick mullions and sashes, flanked by
plain sashes. Garden front 2-storeyed. At right hand end a gabled
projection, open on ground floor, forming a loggia. On first floor
a 6-light oriel oak mullioned and transomed window with lead lights.
Timber louvre in apex of gable. Left of this a 2-storeyed range with
oak mullioned windows with lead lights. Left of this the original
cottage - of 1 storey and attics. Gabled projection with canted bay
window on ground floor. Terracotta frieze above this. Slightly
projecting bay window in attic. Open brick porch with tiled cornice
and panelled door. Interior appears largely unaltered; oak panelling;
open timber roof to main first floor room, oak and stone fireplaces,
oak stair with heavy turned balusters, all in Arts and Crafts style.
Attached gazebo on east, linked to house by stone walls, has stone
walls and flat roof. Glazed segmental arched openings. Stone boundary
walls to-garden, partly of serpentine form, all contemporary with
house. A very attractive house of its period. Listing NGR: SY9041588099
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