SX 45 SW MAKER-WITH-RAME CAWSAND 9/84 Penlee Lodge II House, originally gatehouse for Mount Edgcumbe estate. Circa 1860, built on basement
storey of Napoleonic fortification, with addition of late C20 and alterations.
Rubble, painted basement, rendered above, with concrete tiled hipped roof with paired
stacks to front and rear.
A square circa 1860 tower built on the plinth of a Napoleonic fortification. There
is a stair tower at the rear and the entrance was probably at the front, which is now
concealed by a C20 2-storey addition. A new entrance was formed on the left side.
The building is said to have been reconstructed 3 times in the course of C19
building, with the result that the staircase was omitted, and added to rear after
completion. Italianate belvedere style tower, similar to Tower Cottage, Cremyll
(q.v.), also built in basement storey of C18 fortification. 1-3 West Park Cottages
(q.v.) has similar basement storey.
3 storey tower on basement without cellar. Front has 2-storey C20 block projecting
to front, 2 round-headed windows to front and glazed lean-to, flat roof with
railings. 2nd floor of tower has 3-bay arcade of round arches, with plain columns on
plinths, blind windows, deep eaves on brackets; one window to front left with C20
glazing. At right side, the addition to left has 2 stepped lancets at ground floor,
round-headed window at first floor and band course. Ground floor of tower has paired
round-headed lights with central column and engaged columns to sides, 8-pane lights,
2 stepped lancets above lighting stair. Rear block to right has lancet at ground
floor lighting stair, band course and parapet. All blind windows at 2nd floor. At
this side, the basement storey has pronounced batter, with bull nose moulding. The
moulding has been partially removed to front, inside the addition. Left side has
round-headed door with cover strips, small round-headed light to right, band course,
2 single round-headed lights at first floor all in addition to right. Tower has one
window at ground floor, 2 at first and 2nd floors, all paired with central column,
round heads, larger at ground floor. Catslide roof over stair block to left.
Battered basement and bull nose moulding. Rear has 3-bay blind arcade at 2nd floor as
to front, round-headed doorway and round-headed recess at ground floor, lancet and
ramped band course. Bull nose moulding continued over battered basement storey.
Interior: Ground floor room in tower has windows with central pilaster and Greek key
moulding. The entrance may originally have been to front, reset to left side when
addition made to front.
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