2/19 Parsonage House
21/6/62 (formerly listed under
II* Long-jetty house, mid-C16, altered in late C16, C19, and C20. Timber framed,
exposed frame, plaster infill and brick nogging, roofed with handmade red clay
tiles. 3 bays aligned approximately E-W, jettied to S. Rear extension from W
bay, blocking former window, with chimney stack at the junction, late C16.
Stair tower with lean-to roof in the angle, and chimney stack to rear of middle
bay, late C16. Rear extension from E bay, C19, forming a half-H plan.
Conservatory between rear wings, C20. 2 storeys. C20 door in tiled gabled
porch, 3 C19 casement windows with Gothick heads on each floor. 4 plain braces
below jetty. 3 round shafts on W chimney stack, 3 octagonal shafts on middle
chimney stack. Small areas of herringbone brick nogging are exposed at the rear
and on the E side of the W wing, but probably the whole building was brick
nogged in the C16; some may be plastered over and some has been replaced by
plaster infill, leaving most of the frame exposed externally. Some framing
exposed internally. Jowled posts, close studding. Axial beams, plain-chamfered,
joists of horizontal section. Studded partition removed between W and middle
bays of ground floor. 5 C16 brick hearths, of which 4 have depressed arches.
The most notable is the N ground floor hearth of the W stack, which has a band
of terracotta ornament, scrolls and mermaids, possibly imported from the Low
Countries, semi-octagonal attached shafts with moulded bases, and arched recess
above mantel. Inserted ceiling above first floor, C17. Original clasped purlin
roof with curved wind bracing.
Listing NGR: TL6589942448
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