TF 72 NW
3/18 Church of St. Mary
Parish church, Cll and C14, restored 1881. Uncoursed flint with stone
dressings, slate roof. Central tower, nave, south aisle and porch, ruined
south chapel; chancel lost. 3 stage square tower with some Sandringham
sandstone, carstone, Roman tiles and erratics, carstone quoins; steep
pitched roof line to east and south, inserted 3-light east window with
intersecting tracery and plain leaded lights with intersecting tracery, above
a triangular headed blocked wide lancet; small lancet inserted 1901 to north
face; 2nd stage with flush carstone arcade of 3 semi-circular headed blank
arches to each face, below arcade to south within gable of former roof a
narrow semi-circular headed window with carstone dressings; C14 recessed
bell stage with stone dressings embattled parapet with string course below
having 2 gargoyles to east, one each to north and south, 2-light bell
openings with reticulated tracery. Nave with hollow chamfered stone cornice,
stone kneelers to west having 3 pomegranates; clerestorey to south of 4
double lancets of 1881, south aisle with west kneeler as nave, 3-light west
window of 1881 with central light lower under large quatrefoil, angle
buttress to west, 3 Y tracery openings to south of 1881, buttresses between.
South porch with diagonal buttresses and kneelers as nave; arch with slender
shafts moulded above capitals, small trefoil headed niche over, arch within
blocked archway having voussoirs of alternate brick and flint; returns with
double trefoil headed ogee lights under square head; boarded roof of 1881,
head corbels at angles for former roof, shelly limestone side benches, south
doorway renewed of plain chamfered arch with hood mould. North nave with
some Sandringham sandstone, 2 stepped buttresses, doorway as south; three
windows of 1881 within larger blocked openings, the central window as to
west of south aisle, those on either side of 3 lights with intersecting
tracery. West facade with stone plinth, Sandringham sandstone and carstone
in base, west window of 1881 of 4 lights having intersecting tracery above,
2 semi-circular headed lancets in gable. Early C14 roofless ruined chapel
to south of tower, slender Y tracery to south having scratch dial in left
jamb, wide diagonal buttresses. Interior: 4 bay arcade to south with double
chamfered arches and piers of clustered polygonal shafts, waggon roof of
1881 with bosses. Central tower acts as chancel, Cll semi-circular arch
to chancel with carstone dressings and imposts (renewed with stone), wide
piscina to north with semi-circular arch having roll moulding, remains of
blocked semi-circular arch to south having inserted door to C19 vestry.
Octagonal black marble font in Early English style c.1880 from church of
St. Mary Magdelene Sandringham q.v. 2/47, stiff-leaf bases to cusps of arcade
arches to lower bowl, polygonal C19 font cover with crockets.
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