TF 72 NW
(west side)
3/27 Up Hall
House, late C18, red brick, pantiles, gable parapets. 3 bays 2 storeys,
basement and attics. Modillions to eaves, English bond to ground floor
window sill level, Flemish bond above; windows with skewback arches and
stone sills, flush tripartite sashes with glazing bars to ground and 1st
floor bays 1 and 3, 2 attic roof dormers, basement with two 2 x 3 paned
recessed sashes per bay, that to left of 1st bay now a doorway. Central
bay with added projecting 2 storeyed porch with pedimented and modillioned
gable, flint to base of returns, Flemish bond, 8 stone steps now inside porch
to doorway with classical surrounds, entablature and rectangular light over
8 panelled renewed door. 1st floor of porch with recessed sash with glazing
bars, keystone to flat arch. Left return of English bond to eaves level,
external stack to ground floor only, small bullseye to left attic. 4 bay
1½ storey addition c1955 to right return, English bond, sashes with glazing
bars to ground floor, segmental headed sashes with glazing bars to ½ dormers.
Rear: 5 bays, rendered, black unglazed pantiles; central 3 storeyed
projecting stair turret with hipped roof, 6 panelled door upper 4 panels
glazed, semi-circular headed sash with glazing bars to stair, small semi-
circular headed sash to 3rd storey. Bays 4 and 5 with basement windows,
sashes with glazing bars 6 x 3 panes wide to ground floor, sashes to 1st
floor. 2 bay flat roofed rendered addition forward of 1st and 2nd bays with
canted angle having recessed sashes with glazing bars, 4 x 4 panes; attached
to left a 3 bay 2 storeyed range c1955 in C19 style, rendered with plat band,
pantiles to steep roof, gable parapets, sashes with glazing bars, those
to ground floor to ground. Attached garden wall to left of galletted clunch
with brick dressings and horizontal band of broken flint. Interior: closed
string dogleg staircase with ramped mahogany handrail and vase turned
balusters, turned newel; door to left hand room with six raised and fielded
Listing NGR: TF7221025197
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