(south-east side) 9/55 No. 18 (S.J. Bunting),
31.10.66 (formerly listed as
No. 18 (Padlock House)
and shop) GV II House, now 2 houses and shop. Early C16 or earlier, altered in C19. Timber
framed, plastered with some weatherboarding, roofed with handmade red plain
tiles. Main range facing NW, with stack to rear of left bay, and C16 or earlier
wing to rear. Later wing to rear of right end, and small 2-storey extension
with flat roof between the wings. C19 single-storey extension with slate roof
to rear of left wing. 2 storeys. Ground floor, one C20 bowed oriel, and early
C20 shopfront with two 2-light windows, central half-glazed double doors and
overlight, and moulded fascia. First floor, 2 early C19 sashes of 12 lights.
C20 half-glazed door at left end. Ashlared plaster. The shop is fully lined,
as is the wing to rear of it, but exposed timbers at the front indicate an
underbuilt jetty. In the house to left, chamfered transverse and axial beams,
joists plastered to the soffits. Early C19 straight stair with moulded pine
handrail, turned newels and stick balusters. In the rear left wing, heavy
transverse plain joists of horizontal section, and a blocked stair trap. On
first floor, original floorboards, some exposed studding, and at the rear of the
main range a complete unglazed window with 4 diamond mullions and shutter
groove; chamfered axial beams, joists plastered to the soffits. At the rear of
the left house some studding has been removed for access to the extension;
fragment of C17 moulded door incorporated in wall. C18 2-panel pine door and
hinges. Jowled posts. No access to roof, but exposed rafters at the rear of
the left wing are trenched as for a crownpost roof. The rear of the right wing
is weatherboarded. The house was formerly named Padlock House after a large
trade sign of a padlock displayed at the front, removed when the shop changed
from an ironmonger's to a butcher's in 1985, but in May 1987 still in the
possession of the owner of the left part. Also deeds from 1643. Known as
Plummers in 1576 (G.F. Beaumont, A History of Coggeshall in Essex, 1890, 238).
RCHM 24.
Listing NGR: TL8510122641
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Books and journals Beaumont, GF , A History of Coggeshall in Essex, (1890), 238
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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