(south side) 9/112 Nos. 32 and 34
31.10.66 (Blackwater Cottage)
(formerly listed as
Nos. 28, 30 and 32) GV II Wrongly shown on OS map as no. 30 and adjacent to house to E. Part of house,
now 2 houses. 1585, altered in C19 and C20. Timber framed, plastered with some
exposed framing, roofed with handmade red plain tiles. 4 bays of main range
facing N, with 2 C19 axial stacks. Originally this range continued to the right
for 2 bays; one bay has been demolished to make a vehicle access, the other is
now part of no. 18 (item 9/110, q.v.). 2-bay wing to rear of left end.
Catslide extension to rear of remainder. 2 storeys. Ground floor, 2 early C19
tripartite sashes of 4-12-4 lights, or replicas, and one early C19 sash of 16
lights. First floor, 4 C20 casements. 2 C20 half-glazed doors, recessed below
underbuilt jetty. Exposed original bressumer carved in high relief with date
1585, defaced initials, grotesque beasts and scrolls, and exposed close studding
above. A C20 window in the right return has an attached strip of foliate
carving. In the right elevation of the rear wing, on the first floor, is an C18
wrought iron casement with rectangular leading. Jowled posts, chamfered axial
beams, unstopped, plain joists of horizontal section where exposed. Inserted
softwood post in rear wing. Cambered tiebeams, clasped purlin roofs with arched
wind- bracing, including some lightly smoke-blackened rafters re-used from a
medieval hall. Construction fairly plain apart from carved bressumer.
Converted in early C19 into a complex of small cottages, and restored c.1974
with Essex County Council's Revolving Fund, architect James Boutwood. Formerly
the Blue House, later The George Public House (G.F. Beaumont, A History of
Coggeshall in Essex, 1890, 241). RCHM 69.
Listing NGR: TL8510622568
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Books and journals Beaumont, GF , A History of Coggeshall in Essex, (1890), 241
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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