(west side) 6/171 Parish Church of St.
2l.6.62 Andrew - II* Parish church. C12 and C14, restored and extended in 1869 by C.J. Moxon.
Coursed flint rubble including Roman brick and tile, with C19 dressings of
limestone except the quoins of the Nave, which are of Roman brick, roofed with
red plain tiles. Nave C12, Chancel C14 or earlier, W tower C14 but much altered
in C19, S vestry and S porch C19. The Chancel has C19 diagonal buttresses,
quoins and parapet gable. The E window is CL9 except the C14 splays. In the N
wall is a window, all C19 apart from the C14 splays and moulded 2-centred
rear-arch. To W of it an area of disturbed rubble indicates the possibility of
a former N doorway. In the S wall is a window similar to that opposite, except
that the sill is carried down to form a seat. Further W is a C19 arch into the
vestry. The roof is ceiled in 7 cants, and is probably C19. The C14
chancel-arch is 2-centred and moulded, with plastered plain responds. The Nave
has in the N wall 2 windows, all C19 except the C14 splays and moulded 2-centred
rear-arches. In the S wall is a window, all C19 except the C14 splays and
chamfered segmental-pointed rear-arch. Further W is the S doorway, all C19
except the plain internal jambs. The roof of the Nave is C19. The W tower is
of 3 stages; the first stage is cased or rebuilt in the C19, the second stage
has C19 quoins, the third stage and octagonal spire are wholly C19. The W
window is C19. The original tower-arch is 2-centred, with chamfered responds
with broach stops. Above it is a small square-headed opening, blocked.
Fittings: In the S wall of the Chancel is a C14 piscina with trefoiled ogee head
and restored jambs and drain, and in the N wall, E of the window, is a recess
with hollow-chamfered jambs and trefoiled head, C14. In the E wall of the Nave,
N of the chancel-arch, is a group of 3 niches, the outer pair with round heads
and the middle niche with a 2-centred head and a plain pedestal, all plastered,
date uncertain; and S of the chancel-arch is a recess with a cinquefoiled
2-centred head and hollow-chamfered jambs with broach stops, C14. The early C17
pulpit comprises 4 sides of a hexagon, with bolection-moulded panels flanked by
pilasters enriched with jewel ornament; 3 panels are carved with figures in
relief, St. James the Great, St. Augustine of Hippo, and Charity; the cornice is
enriched with masks, flowers and conventional foliage. A fragment of a medieval
octagonal font is in the churchyard, SW of the porch. RCHM 1.
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