1/84H (east side)
Group of nine memorials
south and south-east of
chancel and near south
boundary wall of Church
of St John the
Memorials are listed from west to east, and north to south.
(i) Chest tomb. Early C18. Limestone. Baroque design, thick cyma and roll top,
flat weathered base, part concealed at time of survey, enriched ¼ balusters west end
cartouches east and north, square panel with moulding, south. JOHN HEWES or HEWER,
1726. Also, on top, latten plate to EDITH HIERON, 1751. Located c7 m south-east of
east end, south aisle.
(ii) Altar tomb. Late C18. Limestone. Moulded top, cavetto base, fluted top and
moulded base, to east and west ends, elliptical panel, raised moulding, floral design
north side, stele-like south side panel. SARAH PARSLOW, 1786. Located immediately
south of John Hewes memorial.
(iii) Chest tomb. Mid C18. Sandstone. Moulded top, base not visible at time of
survey, reserved corners, raised elliptical panels east and west, 2 panels drafted on,
north and south. - BRADSHAW, 1775, but tomb design looks earlier. Located
immediately east of John Hewes memorial.
(iv) Altar tomb. Mid C18. Limestone. Cavetto top and base, set on generous
stylobate, upright elliptical panels with rosettes, north side, south side broken and
collapsing at time of survey. Inscriptions not legible. Located c7 m south-east of
priest's door.
(v) Chest tomb. Early C18. Limestone. Thick moulded top, base concealed at time of
survey, lyre ends, sunk moulded panels north and south. Inscriptions not legible.
This item in poor condition and liable to collapse at time of survey.
Located c9 m south-east of priest's door.
(vi) Chest tomb. Early C18. Limestone. Thick cyma top, plain chamfer base, lyre
ends with cartouches, sunk square inscription panels with carved drapes. GEORGE
Located c9 m south of south-east corner of chancel.
(vii) Altar tomb. Mid C18. Sandstone. Moulded top and base on stylobate, part
fluted frieze and moulded base with bas-relief urn west side, raised circular panel,
east; elliptical panels with rosettes north and south sides. GEORGE KING, 1753.
Located c8 m south-east of south-east corner of chancel, at north end of group of
three tombs.
(viii) Altar tomb. Mid C18. Limestone. Cavetto top and base, enriched ¼ balusters
framing urn east side and swag west side, raised circular panel with rosettes, north,
and elliptical, south. Date 1789, but tomb design is earlier.
Located in middle of group of three lying parallel with boundary wall, south-east from
(ix) Chest tomb. Early C19. Sandstone. Cavetto top and chamfered base, raised
shields between frieze and moulded base east and west, sunk rectangular panels north
and south. MARY IND..., 1820.
Located cl m from and parallel with boundary wall at south end of group of three
Listing NGR: SO7405403553