SO 72 SE
3/46 Barn and shelter sheds,
Highnam Farm
Barn and shelter sheds. Mid C19, for T. Gambier-Parry.
Weatherboarded timber framing on low, brick plinth; English-bond
brick to end bay; slate roof. Six-bay barn with 2 porches on one
side; lean-to to same side, extending 4 bays beyond ends of barn.
To yard: gabled porches, double doors, one halved: concrete ramp
up to higher floor in left porch. Between 2-bay lean-to, open-
fronted with iron column, orginally 3 bays with timber posts. Barn
behind with half-hipped roof. To left open-fronted shed, first bay
against barn originally walled; 3 open bays beyond, timber posts,
angle struts to wall plate: fourth-bay beyond yard wall, brick,
hit and miss shutter to window, flat, rubbed-brick arch: hipped
end to roof. First bay by porch walled off, with stone paving,
trough against porch, harness hooks on left wall: tie beam trusses
with struts to one pair purlins. Right end first bay
weatherboarded wall, stable door; 4 originally open bays beyond,
as open bays on left, now infilled concrete block. Barn interior:
right threshing floor stone paved: lofts inserted in bays C20.
Framing balloon in 2 layers, straight braces rise to central post
in each bay: bottom level in porches lined boarding. Mortice in
main posts each side threshing floor for rail at c900mm up. Long,
curved braces to trusses, no jowls, iron straps tie beams to
wallplates. Queen-strut trusses with slight principals.
Listing NGR: SO7902720120
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