SO 71 NE
(north side)
5/87 Tithe Cottage
House. Probably late C16, enlarged C17, altered and enlarged C19.
Rendered walls, timber-framing with rendered infill, both on stone
plinth, double Roman tiles; random-rubble stone wing on left end,
pantile front, multiple-roll Bridgewater tiles rear. Four-bay, 2 1/2-
storey main part, one room deep, additions to rear, including
single-storey one-bay wing at right-angles by road: 3-bay, single
storey wing on left gable. House gable to road, entrance left
side. Framing largely replaced by rendered wall ground floor:
late C20 twelve-pane window in framing, sash window to left, 2-
panel front door, semi-circular heads to panels, under open, gabled
porch, heavy square posts front, openwork timber sides and gable.
Three 2-light casements to left, with external brick chimney
between first 2. Left end single-storey cider house, boarded door,
shuttered window, half-hip to roof. First floor, rendered end to
gable on right, square, 2-panel high framing, brace to wallplate,
3-light casement in oriel, shaped brackets below, eaves raised
slightly above. To left framing changes to close-studded, single-
panel high framing; two 2-light casements, chimney, 3 similar
windows, first in square panel framing, remainder rendered wall
replacing timber framing. Chimney on right gable; 2-light
casement in gabled dormer to left of lateral chimney. Rear wall
Interior: wall to right of entrance timber framed, beam at high
level reset, with cambered heads of 3 doors from cross-passage (too
high for original position). Heavy chamfer to floor beams over
room on right, bar stops; wide brick gable fireplace, ovolo
moulding to timber lintel. Three-plank door with original hinges.
Heavy chamfer to ceiling beams over hall and room above;
decorative stop to chamfer ceiling beam in first floor room on
right. Tie-beam trusses, struts, one-pair purlins in weakest
plane, heavy ridge member. End wing, paving for cider mill in
floor, angle-strut trusses, one pair purlins, square ridge.
Appears to have been3 bay house enlarged one bay towards road Cl7
by removing original gable on ground floor. Single-storey wing
along road said to have been butcher's shop. Forms group with
church (q.v.).
Listing NGR: SO7740817053