SO 92 SW
7/1 Butler's Court Farmhouse
Farmhouse. Early C18; early C19, 1849 (datestone), altered late
C19, mid C20. Flemish bond and English garden wall bond brickwork,
latter of 2 periods, stone slate to tall block facing garden,
otherwise tiled roofs. Three-window, 3-storey garden front, 2
rooms deep, reducing to 16 storeys at rear: one bay, 16 storeys on
right, 2 storey wing on left to rear. Garden front: reddish
Flemish bond brickwork changes to browner English garden wall bond
just below head of first floor windows. Front now (1987) near
symmetrical. On left 16-pane sash with flat, rubbed-brick arch,
area of brown brick to left: 6-panel door, marked as double doors,
bottom panels flush, sidelights, all under single-storey gabled
porch, brick sill walls to sides, 2-bay open timber above,
scalloped barge boards. Similar window to right. First-floor 16-
pane sash each side, as below, 12-pane in centre: jamb of earlier
window to left of left window. Second floor windows as first, but
no lintels: dentil eaves. Two external chimneys on right return,
paired diamond-set stacks on rear in left bay. To right of front
single-bay dating from mid C20. Long wing at rear on left, with
stone plinth, end elevation 2 stone lancet windows ground floor,
paired above, datestone (1849) in apex. Stone windows said to be
reused from demolished chapel. Garden front originally 2 storey,
upper floor added in early C19 and windows altered. Fourth bay and
2-storey bay beyond demolished in 1960's and replaced by single-
bay, 1½ storey wing.
(V.C.H. Gloucestershire, VIII, 1968, p 192)
Listing NGR: SO9018124845
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Books and journals Page, W, The Victoria History of the County of Gloucester, (1969), 192
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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