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King's Langley
Langleybury House & Film Centre (Formerly listed as LANGLEYBURY Langleybury House (The Mansion and Flats 1-6 inclusive), previously listed as Langleybury) 1.9.53 GV
II* Country house and service block, school and flats at time of listing. 1725-8, dates on rainwater heads, for Sir R. Raymond, Lord Chief Justice, 1725. Altered and remodelled for W.J. Loyd, c.1860-70. Extended for E.H. Loyd, c.1890. Red brick with stone and stucco dressings. Slate roofs. Seven bay square triple pile three storey house with a late C19 link replacing original passage to seven bay two storey service block. Tall flush frame glazing bar sashes with segmental arched, key blocked heads, stone sills, top storey has smaller sashes without key blocks. Stucco quoins. Stone cornice to C19 balustraded parapet with urns. Ground floor central C19 closed porch, pedimented Corinthian doorcase, flanking and return sashes as on main block. Stone quoins. Cornice, blocking course. Two cross axial stacks flank central bays. Right return to garden: no glazing bars except on top storey, no key blocks, ground floor central C19 ashlar canted bay with applied Doric order. Plinth. Rendered plat bands. To rear, original entrance front, 2:3:2 with centre bays slightly projecting. Ground floor central C19 rectangular ashlar bay with applied Doric order. First and second floor left dummy windows. To right an extra C19 bay, set further back, following C18 model and re-using the early C18 doorcase, Doric with half columns, Raymond's initials and coronet in metopes, paterae in mutule blocked soffit to cornice. To left of main block and replacing the earlier covered passage is a two storey late C19 canted link block, three bays of sashes as on main block, string course between storeys, cornice to balustraded parapet. Further forward and to left is early C18 service block 1:5:1 with projecting end bays. Central entrance: eight fielded panelled double door, architrave in narrow panel surround, carved brackets to hood with cornice and fielded panelled soffit. Flush frame thick glazing bar sashes with segmental heads, taller and with key blocks on ground floor. First floor central window has a plain raised brick surround, moulded sill and apron panel. Plat band to stone coped parapet with raised piers on outer bays, ramped up twice to centre with small open balustrade in raised panel. Late C19 mansard attic with dormers. Two cross axial stacks flanking centre bay. End stacks. Empty timber bell- turret on ridge. two bay returns with pilaster strips. To right blind openings with a first floor sash, rendered to left. To rear parapet ramped up to centre as at front. Left return of main block behind service block has recessed centre with two large C19 sashes in original openings to staircase. Late C19 three, two and one storey blocks and outshuts added to rear in angle of main and service blocks. Interior: early C18 chimneypiece reset in late C19 entrance hall. Dog leg stair in an open well with bulbous balusters and broad moulded handrail, bolection panelling. C18 secondary stair with turned balusters, moulded handrail, some original dados and box cornices on first floor. Late C19 neo-Carolean plasterwork under staircase copied from The King's Lodge, Bridge Road (q.v.), Zodiac ceiling in Library. Attached to left front and rear and right front are walls of 2m to 3m in height, that to rear left has moulded stone caps to piers. (RCHM Typescript: Pevsner 1977). Listing NGR: TL0775700200
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, Cherry, B, The Buildings of England: Hertfordshire, (1977)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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