FARLEIGH HUNGERFORD 1/253 Church of St. Leonard 11.3.68 GV II* Parish church. Consecrated 1443. Remodelled 1856. Roughly coursed and faced rubble Doulting stone with ashlar quoins; stone slate roof with coped gables and finials with crosses. Perpendicular style West Tower, Nave with south porch and
Chancel. Tower in 3 stages, unbuttressed stunted spire and weather vane. West door, vertically boarded with iron stands set in a moulded 4- centred Tudor arch. On south side set 1.5 metres above the ground an entrance without steps with a "Y" framed, boarded door in 4 centred Tudor arch. Above west door a 3-light stone mullion semi-circular window with cusped perpendicular tracery and moulded drip with stops; above a chamfered stone framed window to ringing floor and to all 4 sides of bell chamber, 2- light, chamfered stone mullion louvered openings with semi- circular heads. A pair of stone gargoyls on each face with solid ashlar stone parapet and plain coping over. Nave, 3 window, 2-light cavetto moulded stone mullion windows with square head and drip moulds with stop ends. Window 1 with ferrametta. South Porch between windows 1 and 2 stone tile roof, coped gable with finial and cross. Entrance through equilateral, moulded arch, with re-sited consecration stone over incised letters "+MUNIAT HOC TEMPLUM CRUCE GLORIFICANS MICROCOSMUM: QUAE GENUIT CHRISTUM MISERIS PRECE FIAT ASILUM" Chancel, 2-window, 2-light cavetto moulded stone mullion windows with square head and dripmoulds with stop ends, similar to Nave.
Interior, Devon type wagon roofs to Porch, Nave plaster ceiling removed, and Chancel with exposed ribs and carved trusses, restored 1856. Some C14 stained glass in north window to Nave, many fragments in east Chancel window of Flemish origin cusped and crocketted tripartite ogee arches on east wall, c1830, chairs in Chancel, removed from Farleigh Hungerford Castle (qv). C17 Altar rail, wood carved with open work scrolls and figures, early C18 Pulpit, wood, carved with eagles and angels, C19. Modern Font. Monuments include Dorothea Torriano Houlton 1799, John Houlton 1839, Mrs. Shirley 1828, Lady Wilson 1864. All with Gothic
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