Woolminstone Farmhouse 4.2.58 II
Detached farmhouse. C17, one section dated 1617. Ham stone roughly cut and squared, ashlar dressings; Welsh slate roof between high stepped gables replacing thatch, hipped on angle; brick chimney stacks. L- plan with additions; two storey with attic, five bay south elevation. Hollow-chamfer mullioned windows in wave-mould recesses, all three-light except first floor bays one, two and three which are two-light, the lower windows with labels. Six-panelled door to lower bay three, originally protected by open porch with room over, removed early in C20, with the upper bay three window reset under a gable, and the supporting columns, square rusticated ashlar, remain supporting a Welsh slated single storey porch roof. East gable and flant of three bays, having hollow-chamfered mullioned windows in chamfered recesses, the first floor bay three window extended, and the bay windows of four lights, the upper leaded, all with labels. In the gable, bay one, a chamfered recessed doorway without label, with 'I.D.1617' incised on lintel and plaque with arms of Merifield above - both may be relocations. Further mullioned windows to rear, some C17 and some C17, the north gable having pairs to each level including attic, some blocked. Interior not seen. Listing NGR: ST4110708154
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