10/147 Goose Hill, mounting block and
walls enclosing front garden with
II Farmhouse and garden wails. Late medieval, ceiled C17, subsequently altered, refenestrated c1900, outshut at rear late
C20, Random rubble chert stone, roughcast on facade, thatched roof, half hipped left gable end, clay tiled extension at
rear, brick stacks right gable end and left of cross passage. Plan: open hall, thought to have been ceiled to 3-cell
and cross passage with inner room subsequently demolished. One and a half storeys, 4 bays; 3 and 4-light many paned
casements, 2 eyebrow dormers with 2 later window insertions below eaves level, 4-light casements flanking central
gabled late C19-early C20 porch with ashlar quoins to elliptical headed opening, lancet on returns, C20 plank door with
bulls-eye glass, Right return 2 bays, to left of stack full height projection, to right 2-light steeply chamfered
mullioned window in gable end, evidence of blocked opening below; 4-step mounting block. Interior not seen. Said to
contain 2 smoke blackened archbraced jointed crucks, hall fireplace has plinth on rear wall in cross passage, chamfered
lintel with stops and chamfered wooden door frame resited when stairs altered in hall; chamfered beams with scroll
stops in both rooms. The projection by kitchen stack is believed to have been a curing chamber or stair turret. Walls
with moongate, possibly c1900. Random rubble chert, hit and miss coping, returned from gable ends to enclose front
garden on south front of house. Moon gate on west side with small summerhouse in north west corner. Also known as Gore
Hill. (VAG Report, unpublished SRO, January 1972, February 1983).
Listing NGR: ST2127919335
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Books and journals 'Vernacular Architecture Group Report' in January, (1972) 'Vernacular Architecture Group Report' in February, (1983)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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