SU 74 SW BINSTED NEATHAM 3/5 Neatham Grange GV II House, formerly the mill house to Neatham Lower Mill. Early C19, with late C19
minor extensions and alterations. Stucco and brick walls, slate and tile roof.
Continuous front (east) of 3.2 storeys, 2-1 windows. Low-pitched hipped slate
roof with plain wide eaves to the south side, the north wing having a plain tiled
roof. Plain walls (a painted brick section at the extreme east side is of the
late C19 extension), plinth. Sashes in reveals. Porch of slender columns and
pilasters, with simple mouldings to the entablature, arched entrance having a
radiating Gothic fanlight, a reeded impost band, and 6 panelled door. The south
elevation is symmetrical, of 3 storeys, 2 windows, with a C19 extension on the
west side: hipped roof, red brick walls in header bond with rubbed flat arches,
sashes in reveals with a French window at the east side: the west extension has
an upper Victorian sash within a slate hung ½-gable, above a rendered ground
floor. The rear (west) elevation has 2.3 storeys, 3.2 windows, with altered
features, but including a tall round-headed staircase sash window. Inside, there
remain Regency details, including the staircase, ceiling cornice in the hall,
panelled doors in architraves (with reeded middle band).
Listing NGR: SP8080144820
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