TM 06 NW
4/123 Green Farm House
GV II Farmhouse. Early to mid C17 with front block added 1795, date on garden wall.
Timber frame, plastered. Steeply pitched plaintiled roofs, hipped on front
block. 3 bay front block at right angles to earlier hall and parlour cells to
rear left converted to service wing, an L on plan. 2 storeys with attic in
rear wing. Offset brick plinth, a central part glazed, part raised 6 panelled
door, reused doorcase, architrave with panelled jambs, panelled frieze with
'TGC 1837', consoles to hood with panelled soffit. Part opening metal frame
3-light glazing bar casements, 2 lights to centre on first floor. Boxed
eaves. To rear right an extruded stack in a slate roofed lean-to addition, a
first floor leaded 2-light casement. Left return to service wing has a late
C18 cross axial ridge stack towards front, an earlier axial ridge stack with
cap rebuilt between kitchen and dairy, or original hall and parlour. Rear
gable end attic casement. Inner return has a lobby entrance. Interior: early
wing has an ovolo moulded axial binding beam in former parlour to rear, broach
stopped cross axial binding beam on stop chamfered storey posts in former
hall. Late C18 stair with columnar newel, slat balusters, moulded handrail.
First floor parlour chamber ovolo moulded axial binding beam, stop chamfered
wallplates; collars and halved principals clasp purlins. Frame concealed in
front block. Attached to front left corner is a low flint and red brick wall,
about 1m high, curved round to enclose part of front garden, offset plinth,
rounded coping, the date 1795 is picked out in=red brick on the wall's outer
Listing NGR: TM0405667504
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