TM 06 NW
4/138 Lodge Farm House
29.7.55 GV II House. Late C15 origins, largely rebuilt c.1530, extended or part rebuilt
late C16, altered and extended C19 and C20. Timber frame on brick base,
plastered; red brick additions. Steeply pitched machine tiled roof, black
glazed pantiled roof on additions. Broad 3 cell cross passage plan, stack and
parlour to left are probably a rebuilding of original smoke bay and parlour,
altered to lobby entrance plan. 2 storeys and attic. 5 window front;
entrance to left of centre, a part glazed 6 panelled door, architraved with
shaped brackets to a pedimental hood, 2 and 3-light C20 glazing bar casements.
Boxed eaves. Axial ridge stack to left of centre between hall and parlour,
rebuilt cap with an extra flue added to rear. To rear a continuous C19 and
C20 red brick lean-to outshut with a stack behind hall. Interior: partition
wall at lower end of hall survives from C15 house with brattished spere beam,
upper cranked brace, close studding; from cross passage into service bay a
reset 4-centred arched doorhead with Tudor roses in spandrels, hall has
richly moulded early C16 ceiling beams; cross axial binding beam, mid-rails
and upper end beam all with bar stopped complex roll and hollow mouldings,
upper bay has a simpler roll and outer hollow moulded axial binding beam,
lower bay has recessed roll moulded joists, stop chamfered storey posts;
panelled screen with chamfered muntins reset between 2 hall bays. Service bay
altered on ground floor, parlour has a defaced cross axial binding beam.
First floor: reverse cranked braces in service end walls, hall chamber
inserted C17 bar stop chamfered crossed binding beams, reused parts of a
screen with stop chamfered rails and muntins. Between stack and parlour
chamfered jowled post with rebated section, traces of arched brace to tie
beam, parlour chamber close studding, a large post with rebated section,
arched braces to tie beam. Queen post roof over 3 early bays, cranked braces
to cranked collars and to plates/purlins which are tenoned into principals in
former open truss with arched braces from principals to collar. Parlour has a
C17 side purlin roof. A 3 armed moat lies to west of the house which was
formerly known as Manor Lodge.
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