SE 0423 and SE 0523
(north side)
- Old Haugh End and
15.11.66 Old Haugh End Cottage
(formerly listed
House, now 2 dwellings. Early C17 possibly incorporating early material. Coursed
squared stone, stone slate roof. 2 storeys; 3 gabled bays, the right bay (Old Haugh
End Cottage) breaking forward and having pent porch in angle with main range. Quoins
on left. Porch: quoined; flat Tudor arch supported on right by shaped corbel; shaped
kneeler on left; chamfered coping; chamfered quoined inner doorway with similar arch
and original studded and hinged board door. Right bay: 3 and 4-light chamfered
mullion window; similar 4-light window above; chamfered coping; ball finials (one
missing); 2,brick ridge stacks. Central bay: tall 7-light double-chamfered mullion
window under continuous dripmould; 3-light chamfered mullion-and-.transom window and
short 3-light double-chamfered mullion window above, both with hoodmoulds. Left bay:
all windows double-chamfered, mullioned. 8-light window to left of quoined doorway
with panel on lintel dated 16??(03/35?) both under continuous hoodmould; renewed
4-light and 5-light windows above with hoodmoulds and flanking a sundial projecting
from wall at angle. Left and central bays have continuous coping with gutter spout in
valley; ball finials. On ridge of left bay a corniced stack with 2 rebuilt diamond-
set flues; another stack over central bay. Rear: 3 gabled bays with double-chamfered
mullion windows. Central bay projects furthest and has quoins, 6-light window to left
of later doorway under continuous hoodmould and, to lst floor, a 3-over-5-light window
under hoodmould with decorative stops; external stack on right; to left return a
2-light window under return of hoodmould with decorative stop and blocked oculus
above. Right bay has a window masked by C20 lean-to extension and a 2 and 3-light
window above on right. Right return: double-chamfered mullion windows on ground floor
of 2, 4, 3 and 2 (blocked) lights, on 1st floor shorter and of 4 and 5 lights. Left
return: C19 openings. Interior, Old Haugh End Cottage: front, "oak", room: birth
place of Archbishop Tillotson and decorated later to commemorate this fact - moulded
stone fireplace has cornice with pendants initialled 'JT' (John Tillotson) and date
1630 (his birth date), imported over-mantel with classical battle scene; small
retractable wooden heads to jambs (possibly to hold fire screen). Very fine panelling
below cill level with lozenge and other motifs. On one side panelling taller, more
ornate with cupboard and attached cist. Front wall window has panelled soffit and
frieze with grotesques. Part of ceiling elaborately moulded (imported). On first
floor, 2 cambered tie-beams. Interior of Old Haugh End not inspected. Kendall notes
that the initials and date in the Oak Room appear to be by the same craftsmen as those
in Old Haugh End of Joshua Horton, dated 1703, and suggests Horton had the Oak Room
ones done (Kendall, P167). In 1705 Horton leased the property to Josias Stanfield,
and Kendall notes that this date and the initials of Josias and Ann Stanfield feature
on the sundial (Kendall, p159).
H P Kendall, "old Haugh End", Halifax Antiquarian Society, Vol 7 (1910), pp 137-167.
Listing NGR: SE0527423057
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Legacy System:
Other Kendall, H P, Volume 7, (1910)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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