SU 22 NE
(west side)
11/162 Borbach Chantry
Chantry chapel, administered by Redundant Churches Fund. 1333 for
Robert de Borbach. Flint with limestone dressings, tiled roof.
Single cell, formerly attached to south side of parish church by a
2-bay arcade which was removed in 1868, the arcade walled up and
new south porch added. Windows 2-light ogee headed with
quatrefoiled heads and hoodmould only to north window. Rectangular
lights to east and west ends. Porch has simply chamfered door and
timber framed and weatherboarded gable. Inner door has
consecration cross on jamb and medieval cross boarded door with
hollow moulded cover pieces.
Interior: Plastered and cement painted, the walls extended up over
ashlars of C14 trussed rafter roof. Single arch of arcade remains,
blocked and window inserted. Tiled and flagged floor, and black
and white chequer to east end. C17 wrought iron railings with
alternating javelin headed and twisted bars set across east end.
Monuments: The chapel became a chapel of the Evelyn family in C17
and contains a group of outstanding monuments. On south wall, wall
tomb, C14 a cinquefoiled recess with wide ogee hood, possibly tomb
of founder. North side: Wall tomb, 1625. Alabaster chest with
broken double pediment on red marble Corinthian columns. Within
two niches resting on scrolled corbel at centre, containing life-
sized figures of Sir John Evelyn and wife facing across a fald
stool supporting open breviaries. Demi-relief figures of eleven
kneeling children on chest, and draped and crested arms over.
South wall: Alabaster aedicule with demi-columns supporting broken
segmental pediment, containing arms. Draped niches containing
white marble bust of Elizabeth Tirell (nee Evelyn) died in
childbirth, 1629. East wall: Important large monument of 1669,
veined white marble and painted limestone. Deep niche over table,
flanked by painted Ionic columns on pedestals supporting
entablature with scrolled broken pediment. Naked angels lie on
pediment holding falling drapery, inscribed, and baroque shield
over. Urns at ends of cornice. Niche contains inner marble
moulding with shell canopy, and within, the kneeling imploring
figure of Robert Pierrepont, his leg amputated, being raised by a
flying angel. Niche is enclosed by hinged doors of wood, painted
with curtaining on outside, and faced with gilded copper internally
and bearing long engraved inscription moralising on his dissolute
life. On north wall, east end: Wall monument, 1685, Carrara
marble and slate. A classical niche with triangular pediment and
scroll supports, urn over, supporting large reclining and mourning
figures. Pyramid to rear raises arms into roof of building, all
against a marble sarcophagus. Apron below with inscription.
Within niche, a portrait bust, life size of Sir John Evelyn on a
stand. Original iron doors closing niche not now present. Minor
monuments: (a) Elegant wall monument, late C18, by Brown of
Sarum. Grey panel framed in white marble, with oval tablet.
Pyramid with painted arms over, to William Brooke, died 1799, his
wife and son. (b) Tablet, C19, white marble on grey, by Osmund.
To William Griffinhoofe, died 1832. (c) in porch. Tablet
commemorating restoration of building in 1868. (d) Unfixed, a
C12-C13 stone coffin with head recess. Brass: On purbeck slab
mounted against wall. To George Evelyn, child, died 1641 aged 6.
Four benefaction boards of C19 over door. Furniture: Simple late
medieval oak pew, and unattached pew end with an elementary
poppyhead. Four loose stones, one being a piscina bowl.
(Pevsner, Buildings of England, WILTSHIRE; Redundant Churches Fund
leaflet B.14)
Listing NGR: SU2558027454