(South side)
No 10
(Formerly Listed as: BRENTWOOD FRYERNING LANE, Ingatestone Scott's Cottages
House. Mid-C16, altered in C19 and C20. Timber-framed, plastered, thatched. 3 bays facing N, with C17 axial stack at left end. C17/18 3-bay cross-wing to
left, extending to rear.C20 extension to rear of middle bay, also plastered
and thatched.
Main range and rear extension of one storey, cross-wing of one storey with attics. The main range has 4 early C19 casements, each with an external
boarded shutter; some handmade glass. C20 door and similar casement
immediately to right, without shutter. Other windows are C20 casements. Roof
of main range is hipped at the right end, roof of cross-wing half-hipped at
the rear. The main range has jowled posts, heavy studding, no bracing
visible internally so probably trenched outside the studs. Both wallplates
are splinted with forelock bolts in the right bay, not immediately opposite
each other, probably covering scarfs, and an extra tie-beam has been inserted
in this bay indicating an early repair. The tie-beam to left of it is grooved
for former infill of wattle and daub, with some empty mortices for studs. In
the rear wall, at the left end of the left bay, is a blocked original doorway with a Tudor doorhead; the post to left is rebated for the door. There is no evidence of a matching doorway opposite, to form a cross-entry.
INTERIOR: the right stack has a large wood-burning hearth with 0.23m jambs
facing to right, a salt recess in the rear with chevron head, and a chamfered mantel beam with mitred stops which do not coincide with the brick jambs, indicating reuse, possibly from a timber-framed chimney in the same position.
The left stack has a small wood-burning hearth facing to right with original plain mantel beam. In a partition in the same room is an early C19 borrowed
light of 6 panes, and the wall opposite the hearth has some C17 oak panelling. Crownpost roof with curved down braces to tie-beam at left end of middle bay,
and a short stub of the former collar-purlin to left of it; no braces below the tie-beam, or mortices for them. The cross-wing has unjowled posts and lighter studding and wallplates.
HISTORICAL NOTE: the arrangement of the main range is untypical of C16 domestic buildings, and it is possible that originally it served another purpose, but
was converted to residential use by the C17. It has been 2 cottages, and is reputed to have been a school in the C19. A painting of it in the possession of the owners is captioned 'The Old School House'. Listing NGR: TQ6496799725
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