SE 57 NW
17.5.60 NEWBURGH
Walls, gate piers, gates and bothy in Old Garden
(bothy formerly listed as Outbuilding 270 yards SW of Newburgh Priory) GV
II Walls, gate piers, gates and garden bothy. Probably early C18. For the 4th
Viscount Fauconberg. Brick in English garden wall bond with ashlar dressings,
pantile and interlocking tile roof to bothy; brick and sandstone rubble walls;
wrought-iron gates; sandstone ashlar gate piers. Garden walls form an L-shaped
enclosure with an inner enclosure in the angle, between the bothy and Garden
Cottage (altered and not of special interest): the wall runs west from the road
along the north of the garden for approximately 75 metres, and has in the north
corner a round-arched gateway with ashlar projecting quoins; the wall returns
south to the bothy; it runs west from the northern end of the bothy to Garden
Cottage, forming the north side of the inner enclosure, and on its south side
has a wooden canopy for a peach curtain; it runs west from the southern end of
the bothy to Garden Cottage, forming the south side of the inner enclosure, and
has a doorway (to Garden Cottage) matching that in left return of bothy (qv); it
runs south from south end of Garden Cottage for approximately 75 metres, and
halfway along are paired gates with Gothick intersecting bars; it runs back to
road and has intermediate pilaster buttresses; the east wall is of rubble, and
is at low level forming a ha-ha, surmounted by a yew hedge, the wall sweeps up
at the northern end and has wrought-iron railings with obelisk finials and
bell-shaped capitals to standards; in the north eastern corner is a pier with
pulvinated base and banding. In the centre of the east wall is a gateway with
paired gates having square bars, now without finials, and intermediate lower
bars with inverted-V finials; the piers have square bases and are of 5 bands,
pulvinated on all sides, with plain capitals and bow-shaped capstones. Bothy is
of 2 storeys. East elevation: 1:1:1 bays, the central bay projecting slightly,
and with studded board leaved doors below fanlight in ashlar architrave with
imposts and tripartite keystone; above is a blind Diocletian window with painted
glazing bars in architrave with tripartite keystone; outer bays have 8-pane sash
windows in keyed architraves; moulded eaves band; hipped roof, of interlocking
tiles to front and pantiles to rear; brick stacks on either side of central
bay. Left return: on ground floor, leaved round-arched part-glazed door in
architrave with imposts and tripartite keystone. Interior: wooden staircase on
Tuscan columns gave access to garden lads' accommodation on first floor. The
ground floor room to the right was an apple store, apple trees being trained
into hedges framing the path from gateway to bothy. In the inner enclosure
between the bothy and Garden Cottage were heated greenhouses, now demolished.
This garden seems to be of earlier date than the Dog Kennel Garden (qv).
Listing NGR: SE5401676339
The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.
Legacy System number:
Legacy System:
Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 32 North Yorkshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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