An C18 cottage, one of a pair listed as a single dwelling and subsequently subdivided into two dwelllings in the 1980s. The northern cottage (no. 2) was partially demolished and rebuilt in 1989 and is excluded from the listing.
Reasons for Designation
No. 1 Cherry Ground Cottages, a C18 vernacular building, is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Architectural interest: the cottage retains a significant proportion of historic fabric and is constructed with craftsmanship, attested by its thatched roof covering. The small-pane C19 windows, boarded entrance door and eyebrow dormer confer considerable aesthetic merit;
* Internal architectural interest: the roof structure and the timber frame appears to survive internally;
* Historic interest: the cottage is a good example of a C18 vernacular building, relatively few in numbers nationally and representative of a conspicuous and much-loved component of the English landscape.
In the current list description, Cherry Ground Cottage is described as C18 or early C19 in date. The first edition historic Ordnance Survey (OS) map of 1876 shows a cottage on the site comprising a range to the south with an extension to the north. The list description states that the north extension is 'later'.
Cherry Ground Cottage was listed as a single dwelling on 10 July 1980. At some date before November 1988, the cottage was divided into two dwellings. No. 2 Cherry Ground Cottages is the northern dwelling, which was the subject of listed building consent and planning applications (ref. B/88/01620 and 01623 respectively) to Babergh District Council on 04/11/1988 for the 'demolition of existing single storey side extension and erection of a two storey side extension and addition of rear dormer'. Consent was granted for the work which was undertaken probably in 1989. One bay of the old extension, attached to no. 1 Cherry Ground Cottages, was not demolished and is part of no. 2., but has been extended at the rear to provide a kitchen, utility and link to the outbuilding shown as separate on the current OS map. Listed Building Consent was granted in February 1997 for internal and external alterations connected with the conversion of a garage into a study (ref. B/LB/97/0019) and in 2010, for the erection of a cart lodge, constructed in 2013. Owing to the rebuilding and remodelling of no. 2 Cherry Ground Cottages, the cottage, rear outbuilding and cart lodge do not have special interest.
The southern cottage of a pair, probably C18 in date.
A timber framed cottage, with a brick north wall, external plaster and a thatched roof covering.
Probably a two room plan.
A one storey cottage with attics, resting on a brick plinth. The facade faces east and has a boarded door at the centre, flanked by two, four-paned casement windows. Above the door is an eyebrow dormer. At the south elevation is an external brick chimney stack with shoulders; another external stack is at the north end of the cottage. A single storey extension, probably of the C20, is attached along the length of the rear (west) elevation.
No. 2 Cherry Ground Cottages, the northern cottage, is excluded from the listing.
No interior inspection. A projecting roof timber at the south gable suggests the roof structure and other elements of the timber frame survive.
Please note that in 2013 the incorrect numbering is shown on the Ordnance Survey map. Although shown as no. 2 Cherry Ground Cottages, the address of the listed building is no. 1. The northern cottage of the pair, no. 2 Cherry Ground Cottages, the outbuilding to the rear, and cart-lodge built in 2013 further to the north-east (not shown on the map) are excluded from the listing.