635-1/58/305 (North West side)
29/09/72 Nos.18-28 (Consecutive)
and attached railings
(Formerly Listed as:
Nos.1-34 (Consecutive)) GV II Row of 11 terraced houses in square; nos. 22 and 23 with
canted front facades to inner corners. c.1825-1828. Yellow and
brown stock bricks laid in Flemish bond with simple stucco
dressings; roofs obscured by parapet, brick party-wall stacks.
Three storeys; 2 windows each (1-window each to nos. 22 and
23). Side-hall entrance plan with staircase; nos. 18 and 28
with entrance to side street. Otherwise low steps rise to
entrance in left bay: doorway with 1/4 fluted column jambs
carrying corniced-head, panelled door; nos. 19, 20, 21, & 27
with patterned fanlight; nos. 22-24 with curved and radial
glazing bars (others plain). Ground-floor round-arched sashes:
1/1 (nos. 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26), 6/6 with curved and radial
glazing bars (nos. 19, 22, 24), 6/6 Gothic style (no. 28) and
8/8 Gothic style (no. 27). Upper floors with gauged brick
flat-arches to 2/2 (nos. 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, & 26), 6/6 (nos.
19, 24, 27 & 28), and 8/8 (no. 22) sashes. 1st floor with
stucco sill band to full-length sashes set in arched recesses
linked by stucco impost bands; individual (to nos. 22 & 23)
and coupled iron balconies supported by iron brackets with
wrought-iron railings. Extensive patching-in and rebuilding to
upper floors including plain brick parapet; stone coping.
Attached iron area railings.
Listing NGR: TQ3126483787
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