669-1/1/97 (North side)
28/11/51 No.6 GV II Formerly known as: No.4 CHURCH STREET.
House. C17 rear unit with mid C18 house to street.
Timber-framed and plastered, brick, peg-tiled roof, red brick
stacks. L shaped plan of street range and rear wing, 2
storeys, attic and cellar.
Front, S elevation: red brick with burnt headers, 6 bays,
stone cornice and parapet, string course between floors,
plinth. Doorway in fourth bay from W approached by steps,
wooden dentilled pedimented Doric doorcase, fluted jambs,
triglyph frieze, reveals of fielded panels, door similar, of 6
panels. All windows have good voussoirs and are sashes with
glazing bars, 3x4 panes, ground floor with exposed sash boxes,
first floor boxes in brickwork. First floor windows 3 and 5
from W end are blocked. Cellar grilles each side of doorway.
Slated ramped dormer window of 2 lights behind parapet. Stack
at W end. Rear, N elevation: red brick, 3 facade gables, each
with first floor window, two 3x4 paned sashes and one 2-light
casement with glazing bars, 4x5 panes. Below, central doorway,
simple cornice hood, recessed panelled frieze, doorcase has
reede jambs and recessed panels, door of 6 panels, upper 4
glazed. 2 ground floor sash windows, one 3x4 and other 2x4
panes, also French window each leaf 2x4 panes. Timber-framed E
wing at lower level with C19 decorative barge-boards at N end.
First floor, N and W sides each have window, moulded
architraves, 3x4 panes, also small 2x3 paned casement window
adjacent to street range. Ground floor brick, N end C19 sash
window, W side 3-light C20 casement window, also triple sash
window 1x4, 3x4, 1x2 panes. E side of wing has ground floor
slated lean-to, N end C20 door with upper glazing and adjacent
C20 single light casement window, also skylight. E side of
wing has C20 first floor 2-light casement window 4x3 panes and
truncated red brick tapering stack.
INTERIOR: considerably rebuilt, but roof of street range of
C17 side purlin form survives from an earlier timber-framed
Listing NGR: TL5371838546
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