669-1/1/283 (East side)
28/11/51 No.10
Midland Bank
(Formerly Listed as:
House adjoining No.6 on the north) GV II House now bank. C18 with early C19 additions. C20
refurbishment and internally altered. Red brick, peg and clay
tile roof. L shaped plan. 2 storeys and attics. Front W
elevation: 3 window range, central C18 dentilled pedimented
doorway, fielded panelled doorcase, door C20 of 6 fielded
panels. To N, adjacent sash window, moulded architrave 3x4
panes, 2 similar above on first floor. To S of centre, C19
canted bay window through 2 storeys with sash windows, glazing
bars, 2x4, 4x4, 2x4 panes, modillioned eaves cornice carried
round bay window. 2 C20 flat roofed dormer windows with 3
casements each, glazing bars, 6x2 panes. C19 red brick ridge
stack at N end. E rear elevation: 2 parallel blocks clear.
Street range higher and longer than C19 addition. Both units
rendered. Addition has C19 central ground floor canted bay
window with stepped architrave and keystones, fret incised
window jambs, flat roof. Windows have glazing bars, 2x4, 6x4,
2x4 panes. First floor sash window, one 4x4 panes, two 3x3
panes. C20 dormer window of 4 lights, glazing bars, 8x2 panes.
Street range extends on N end with ground and first floor
casement windows 3x2 panes. INTERIOR: refitted in C20.
Listing NGR: TL5389638548
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