20/02/76 HIGH STREET,Ingatestone (South East side)
(formerly Listed as:
HIGH STREET, Ingatestone
(South East Side)
Nos.51 AND 53)
House, now shop and restuarant. Early C16, extended in early C17 and early C19. Timber-framed, plastered and eatherboarded, roofed with handmade red clay tiles.Long range of 4 bays facing NW, with two C18/C19 external stacks at left end, and incomplete C16 internal stack in second bay from left end, in front of axis. Early C19 one-bay wing to rear of left bay. Early C17 2-bay wing to rear near right end, and two C19 extensions beyond, one storey and 2-storey.
2 storeys and attic. Single-storey lean-to between rear wings, roofed with corrugated asbestos. Two C20 shopfronts, each with a half-glazed door, and between them one sash of 3+3 vertical : lights, probably mid-C19. First floor, one mid-C19 sash of 3+3 vertical lights at left, and two C20 sashes of 3+3 and 2+2 lights respectively. One collar of the crownpost roof is exposed in the left gable. 2 wrought-iron gutter brackets on left side of left rear wing. The right end of the main range abuts on No.53 and is weatherboarded within the cartway. The right side of the right rear wing is weatherboarded on the ground floor, plastered above; one early C19 sash of 5+10 lights on ground floor, one early C19 casement of 4+4+4 lights above. The left side of this wing has some C18 plaster in lateral chevrons pattern below the eaves. The rear elevation of the main range has on the first floor one early C19 casement of 8 lights (between the rear wings) and one of 6 lights (at the right end). The rear elevation of the rear left wing has on the ground floor one early C19 sash of 6+6 lights, and a defective early C19 casement above; hipped roof. The rear right wing has two C19 Tudor Revival grouped diagonal shafts.
INTERIOR: the long jetty is underbuilt, the jetty plate and all the studding below it removed, and the bressumer mutilated and partly boxed. Joists plastered to the soffits; exposed beams in the right bay are not original. Rear studs, where present, are 0.33m apart. The ground-floor partition between the 2 right bays retains some studding and one of 2 curved display braces trenched to left of them, indicating that this is the `high end' of a medieval 3-part plan, parlour to the right. Chamfered beam across `hall' with mitred stops. The ground floor of the left bay is wholly plastered and ceiled; in the rear wall the girt has 2 diamond mortices of a former unglazed window, and a groove for a sliding shutter; studs
below missing. The internal stack is converted for use as a
wine bin, and is truncated below roof level. Jowled posts,
some of the jowls partly hacked away. The open truss between
the 2 middle bays has a chamfered cambered tie-beam, formerly
with 2 deep arched braces, both removed. Early C19 2-panel
pine door to right, C17 small borrowed light to left, with one
diamond saddle bar and modern glass on the wrong side. Many
original rebated hardwood floorboards. An early C19 straight
stair has on the first floor a simple chamfered newel,
handrail and stick balusters. Edge-halved and bridled scarfs
in both wallplates. Crownpost roof, ceiled in right bay,
complete and exposed in other bays. The central crownpost (of
the open truss) is square, chamfered with plain stops, with
4-way arched braces of unusual shape, cranked on the upper
edge, evenly curved below; 3 axial braces. Much original
wattle and daub infill in the studded partitions in the roof.
The whole visible structure of the roof bears original red
paint. The roof of the rear right wing is of clasped purlin
form, without an internal tie-beam. The wing beyond was
probably a stable with hayloft originally, now converted for
use as a bakery. A photograph taken by Fred Spalding c1903
shows the main stack complete, described in RCHM 8 as `a
central chimney-stack with flat pilasters'; the left
first-floor window was as at present, but the others were
early C19 sashes of 10+10 and 8+8 lights respectively. A
photograph taken c1920 shows the present sashes (Essex Record
Office (Essex Journal: Kemble JVH: A Medieval House in Ingatestone
High Street: 1990-). Listing NGR: TQ6499699539
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Books and journals 'Essex Journal' in Essex Journal, (1990)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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