901-1/1/733 (South West side)
04/03/77 Nos.42 AND 43
and attached front area railings,
rear garden walls and piers
(Formerly Listed as:
Nos.34-43 (Consecutive)) GV II Pair of attached houses. Dated 1840 in the deeds. By Charles
Underwood. Render with limestone dressings, party wall stacks
and slate hipped roof. Double-depth plan. Neoclassical style.
Each of 3 storeys, attic and basement; 2-window range.
A near-symmetrical elevation has shallow projecting wings,
articulated on the ground floor by 3 pilasters, closer
together to the outside, to a moulded band; overhanging eaves
between have paired brackets. No.43 has the doorway in a
single-storey section to the left between the pilasters, with
a C20 six-panel door, No.42 has a window between the outer
pilasters, and a wide doorway to the left with a rectangular
overlight with margin panes, and a 6-panel door. 6/6-pane
sashes, 3/6-panes to the second floor and 3/3-pane attic
sashes; No.42 has a 12/12-pane horned first-floor sash to the
Rear elevation is a symmetrical 2-window range, with raised
sections in which the windows are set, banded to an ashlar
ground floor, with second-floor sill bands. Tripartite
ground-floor window to No.43, paired to No.42, with pilaster
jambs; first-floor tripartite windows with architraves and
6/6-pane sashes, and tented balconies with moulded cast-iron
railings and brackets; eared architraves to second floor with
3/3-pane sashes.
INTERIOR: details to No.43 include an entrance paved with
encaustic tiles, to the doorway in the left return; stair hall
with an open dogleg stair to the front with stick balusters
and curtail, and ramped, wreathed rail; marble fire surrounds
and cast-iron hob grates; panelled reveals to 6-panel doors,
and panelled shutters.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: attached spear-headed front area railings
and gates between the wings, and red sandstone rubble walls
and Pennant-capped piers to rear garden.
Listing NGR: ST5687373523
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