901-1/1/745 (North East side)
04/03/77 Auburn House and Sutton House and
attached garden walls, piers and
(Formerly Listed as:
Auburn House and Sutton House) GV II Pair of attached houses. c1855. Squared Brandon Hill Grit
rubble with limestone dressings, party wall and exterior
stacks and a slate hipped roof. Double-depth plan. Jacobethan
Each of 2 storeys, attic and basement; 2-window range. A large
symmetrical central block has projecting wings with rusticated
quoin strips, an ashlar basement to a sill band, deep
first-floor band, dentil cornice, and parapet with panelled
dies and moulded coping. Entrances in the returns: Sutton
House has an open semicircular-arched porch and attached
segmental-arched porte cochere, both with faceted keys and a
balustrade, pilasters with faceted panels and strapwork, to a
tiled lobby with a niche; Auburn House has a similar porch
facing the side, both have semicircular-arched doorways with
plate-glass fanlights and 2-leaf 6-panel doors.
Canted 5-window ground-floor bays with square, blind lattice
balconies and weathered corners, the middle pair with
semicircular arches each side, and 3-light first-floor mullion
windows in raised surrounds. The wings have large ornate
dormers with mullion windows, panelled aprons, flanking Ionic
pilasters with flared shafts and faceted panels, to
entablatures, with segmental pediments and brackets to square
finials; large flanking strapwork consoles, with corner
The parapet has panels beneath 2 dormers, each set back behind
open ashlar semicircular arches on square piers, with
segmental pediments and cast-iron finials. Basement windows
have segmental-arched heads and incised voussoirs. Plate-glass
sashes. Large stacks with cornices. 1-window wings project
from the returns, with swept eaves. Auburn House has a
single-storey conservatory in the front of the right return,
with semicircular arches to a parapet. Rear elevation has
projecting wings each of 3 windows, with round windows to the
attic. INTERIOR not inspected.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: attached squared coursed Carboniferous
rubble walls extend approx 90m to front and sides of front
garden, with a battered base, bracketed coping, and ashlar
gate piers with moulded caps and timber gates with decorative
cast-iron panels.
Part of a group of 4 imposing houses facing Clifton Down.
Listing NGR: ST5670073844
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